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the next day, Sokka woke up in Zuko's arms. the firebender was asleep and he couldn't help but look at him. he looked peaceful, calm. his breathing was regular. his face was perfectly sculpted, his mouth, his nose, eyes, and his scar.
how did he get so lucky?
about two years ago he was chasing them all around the world trying to kill them and now? now Sokka was in his arms, happy. Suki had left a little bit more than a month ago now, and his pain was completely gone. he still missed her from times to times, but Zuko. Zuko was perfect to Sokka's eyes.
his laugh, one of the most beautiful things he ever heard. his hair, soft and silky. he loved playing in Zuko's hair. he loved Zuko, more than anything.
the beam was piercing through his curtains, waking up Zuko.
"hi." he said, his voice still rough.
"good morning." said Sokka, kissing his cheek.
Zuko smiled, remembering the night before. was it all a dream? no, them being naked in the bed could testify to it. he slept very well, he always slept well when he was with Sokka.
"had a good sleep?" Sokka asked.
"yea." he answered, "what about you?"
"amazing." he smiled back.
there was a brief moment of silence. not an uncomfortable one however.
"it's been a long time since i practiced swords." Zuko said, "wanna practice with me?"
"of course!" Sokka's smile grew even bigger.
it had been a long time since they practiced swords, Zuko wasn't wrong. in fact, they hadn't practiced since the week before Suki left. they used to do swords at least once a week, to keep themselves in shape. now with work and their usual night business, they had less time to do it.

Sokka got up and put his clothes back on, Zuko starring.
"what are you lookin at?" Sokka smirked.
"the view, it's nice."
"i like my view much better if you ask me." he was looking at Zuko's body who was still naked.
he blushed, covering himself with the blankets.
"get ready so we could go to the plains, if you want to." Sokka said.
"sure." Zuko smiled and put on his clothes, going back to his room making sure no one could hear them.

Katara was with Toph in the living room, discussing about whatever. Sokka walked in, greeting them.
"is there any food i could bring for sword practice?" he asked, looking into the cabinets.
"no i didn't cook anything." Katara said, "you know Sokka you could probably make food once in awhile."
"yeah yeah right." he said, still looking for anything to bring to the plains.
"where are you guys going for the sword thing?" Toph asked.
"oh the plai-" Sokka stopped, ouch. he couldn't tell Katara they were going there, it's a date spot.
Katara raised an eyebrow, looking directly at Sokka who was slowly turning red.
"the plains?" she asked.
"no no! we're um..." what could he cover it up with?
"Sokka your heartbeat is going up." Toph remarked.
Zuko entered the room to Sokka completely red, Katara death starring at her brother and a very amused Toph.
"good morning?" he said.
"Zuko where are guys going today?" Katara asked.
"we're going to practice swords, it's been awhile."
"where." she insisted.
"we're going near the mountains."
Katara squinted, looking at him.
"Toph is he telling the truth?" she turned to her.
"yes he is Katara. why do you wanna know anyways?"
"because they've been acting weird recently and i wanna get to the bottom of it."
"Katara i can't tell you what to do, but let them live." Toph said, crashing her head on the couch.
Zuko and Sokka looked at each other then back at Toph, surprised. they knew Zuko was lying, so why would she cover it up?
"ugh, fine." Katara sighed.
Zuko and Sokka left the place and headed to a market where they bought snacks for the day. they then took the train to their usual "love spot" like Sokka loved to call it. they had been around 4 times since the first time they went, and they enjoyed their time there a lot. there wasn't that many people, or even close to zero, so they could love each other in peace without any looks.

arrived at the plains, they put their bags down and got out their swords. they felt heavy, it had been a long long time since they haven't held them. after a little warm up, they faced each other and then rushed. after a few hits, Zuko found himself on the ground, Sokka pointing his sword at him.
"i won." he looked into his eyes.
"rematch?" Zuko smiled.
he got up and they rematched, this time Zuko was a lot less forgiving. and Sokka ended up on the ground. Zuko stored his dual swords back on his back while Sokka was still laying down, his eyes wide open.
"what are you waiting for? get up." Zuko said.
Sokka grabbed Zuko's ankle, making him fall. he then went on top of him.
"looks like i win again." he smirked.
Zuko rolled up, now putting Sokka back to the ground, him on top.
"look who's talking." he smiled, his hands holding down Sokka's wrists.
"i like when you're on top." he laughed.
"shut up." and Zuko kissed him.
Sokka smiled and blushed. Zuko's hair we're falling down and his position was very comfortable.
"i know this is maybe weird but..." Sokka said, Zuko raised his eyebrow, "what are we?"
"i don't think friends do that with each other."
Zuko giggled.
"what do you want to be?" Zuko said, getting closer to Sokka's face.
"boyfriends?" he blushed.
"i like that." and they kissed again.
their first official boyfriends kiss.
they ended up wrestling and talking for the rest of the day. and then it was time to go back home.

arriving home, only Toph was there.
"hello Toph! where's everyone?" Zuko asked, dropping his bag.
"Aang and Katara went shopping earlier, they should be back in a couple of hours. how was sword practice?"
Sokka and Zuko went to the dining room table and sat on the same side, Toph rapidly went and sat in front of them with a bowl of rice, steamed tofu and a couple of sweet buns.
"it went fine," Sokka said, "i beat Zuko twice."
"only two times?" Toph said, biting into a bun.
"hey!! that's a lot!" Sokka said.
"i'm sure it is." Zuko said smirking.
"so how are you guys going?" Toph said.
Zuko turned red.
"we're, i mean i'm going great! amazing even what about you Sokka?"
Toph started laughing. Zuko and Sokka looked at her, a question mark stamped on their face.
"i know about you two." she interrupted.
Zuko and Sokka looked at each other, their faces becoming more and more red and hot.
"us two? we're buddies! right Zuko?" said Sokka.
"no need to lie, i'm happy for you guys."
there was a moment of silence, only their heartbeat could be heard, and it was going fast.
"what? i'm not that clueless." Toph said, "you guys are also pretty obvious."
"b-but how did you knew?" Sokka stuttered, lucky them she couldn't see the bright red colour on their face.
"i can see everything with my feet, remember?"
"but why didn't you just say anything?" Zuko asked.
"because i may know a lot of things, like when you lie or when you guys sneak into each other's rooms, but after all it's your business and it's not my place to say it out loud."
they got less tense, their heart rate was still high however.
"thanks Toph." Zuko sighed, "when did you knew?"
"oh since the second time," she said, Sokka and Zuko looked at each other again, kind of embarrassed, "when i kept coming back home i could see that you guys were both in the same room and after a bit i just guessed."
"and you don't hate us?" Zuko said.
"of course not! you guys are my friends and i'll love you no matter what. i mean there are limits, but liking someone isn't one."
"thank you Toph." Sokka smiled and so did Zuko.
"you're welcome Snoozles and Zuzu."
not long after, Aang and Katara came back home.

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