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the next day, they went to work together, however it was incredibly silent. Zuko felt really bad, yet he had already apologized and Sokka said he wasn't mad. and yes, Sokka wasn't mad.
they entered the shop which was still closed and placed everything in order to be ready for the long day of work. Iroh's tea shop was the best in the city, serving lots of different kind of tea, from the classics to new creations. the shop was always full, however a place was always free for any of the gaang members who wanted to savour a little tea.

Zuko's mind was somewhere else.
i'm so stupid. i ruined everything now he won't even talk to me. maybe i deserve it.
"Zuko!" Iroh yield for the fifth time in a row, Zuko jumped, "i've been saying your name for two minutes i wondered if you were gone in the spirit world." Iroh laughed.
"oh uh yea sorry uncle i guess i was too preoccupied by making tea." Zuko said, trying to cover up his thoughts.
"what's wrong Zuko?" Iroh asked, he knew when something about Zuko was off.
"nothing uncle i just have a lot to do." Zuko tried to brush it off.
"i notice you and Sokka aren't talking, did anything happen?" Iroh was concerned.
Zuko looked around to make sure no one was near.
"it's complicated." he said.
"what happened?" Iroh didn't understand what could've possibly went wrong between the two inseparable boys.
Zuko didn't know what to say, he couldn't just reveal to his uncle that he liked boys. he would probably hate him for it. and he couldn't loose Iroh.
"i- i don't know." Zuko said.
"does he know?" Iroh asked.
"know what?" Zuko was turning red and his ear felt hot.
"that you like him." Iroh said nonchalantly.
Zuko didn't know what to say. how could Iroh know?
"i don't like Sokka." Zuko said, looking at the ground, trying to hide his red face.
"oh Zuko no need to lie to me, you're like my son. i always knew it." Iroh said, preparing some tea.
"and you don't hate me?" Zuko was surprised. why wouldn't Iroh hate him? it wasn't normal to like boys.
"why would i hate you? it doesn't matter who you love, to me you'll always be like my own kid." Iroh said, calmly.
Zuko didn't know what to say, he was sure Iroh would hate him, worse, dishonour him.
"he'll come around," Iroh said, "i see how he looks at you and it's pretty obvious." he giggled.
how he looks at me? Zuko couldn't imagine Sokka looking at him that way.
"thank you uncle." Zuko said, hugging Iroh. and he went back to work.

Sokka has been thinking all day long about that kiss. he had thought about going to toph for advice but he guessed it probably wasn't a good idea, so he went to Katara. at the end of the day, she was his sister and he knew he could always count on her. so after work, he went back home and headed straight to Katara's bedroom. she was laying on her bed, reading a magazine.
"hello dear sister."
Katara looked up from her magazine.
"hello Sokka." she said going back into reading.
"so i was wondering..." Sokka wasn't sure where to start.
"spit it out." she said.
"it's a love advice." Sokka said, knowing it would catch Katara's attention. and it did.
"love? who? when? where? what?" she said excited, putting down her magazine.
"calm down it's not that big of a deal."
"what do you mean not that big of a deal? Suki left a week ago and you already found someone else of course it's a big deal."
Sokka was silent, should he feel bad?
"so," Katara continued, "how is she like?"
if Katara knew it was a he rather than a she, wouldn't shut up for the next month, so better not mention it.
"she's... pretty nice."
"okay and... how long have you two known each other?"
better not tell her, make up something.
"about a few days." he said, his voice sounded unsure but Katara didn't notice.
"wow that was fast. do you love her? have you guys been on a date yet?"
"i don't love her, and no we haven't been on a date yet." Sokka said, crossing his arms.
"so is that what you came in to ask me? do you wanna know how to ask her on a date? what to wear? where to go?" Katara was obviously too excited that she barely let him talk.
"Katara geez calm down let me talk." he said.
she sighed, "sorry."
"so why did you come here then?"
"well i like this person yet i don't think we should be together." Sokka looked at the bed, playing with the bedsheets.
"what? what do you mean you don't think you should be together?" Katara was confused, and with reason.
"it's complicated." he put his hand on his forehead, closing his eyes.
"so explain to me so i can help." she said, she didn't know a single thing about what Sokka was talking about.
"no never mind, it was stupid anyways." he got up and walked toward the door.
"Sokka wait!" Katara said.
he turned around.
"if you need anyone to talk to i'm here okay?" she had a concerned look on her face.
he smiled and left the room, leaving Katara alone and confused.

after diner, Sokka was sitting at his desk, painting something that looked like plains and clouds. he had been looking at it for four minutes now, wondering what was missing.
"so... that kiss uh?"
ugh leave me alone it was nothing.
"nothing? so why do you feel so confused?"
"did you like it?"
well of course i liked it.
"so why are you denying it?"
i don't know! i don't want to deal with it right now leave me alone brain!
"you like Zuko admit it. you like Zuko the same way you liked Suki and Yue and you know it."
did he? he liked Suki a lot. he loved her. and he also loved Yue. but did he love Zuko? he knew him for awhile now, and only two of those years were him being nice. but still, he liked how Zuko felt. he liked how he walked, his voice, his awkwardness, his eyes, his scar. he felt his scar yesterday and he couldn't get it out of his brain either. it felt nice for some reason. but no he did not like Zuko. maybe he had the same sensation around him like when he was with Yue and Suki, maybe he was always looking for him when he wasn't there. maybe he enjoyed the kiss a lot more than he was supposed to and yes, maybe he was starring all the time but it wasn-
he realized what was missing from his canvas, a little rainbow.

Sokka entered Zuko's room to see him laying on his bed, sleeping. he closed the door behind him after quietly entering the room. he slowly went into bed, laying next to Zuko.
Zuko woke up.
"what are you doing here?" he said with a sleepy voice.
"i wanted to say sorry for storming off yesterday i shouldn't have." Sokka apologized.
Zuko sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"no no i'm sorry for kissing you out of nowhere it was weird. and we're just friends and boys can't be together anyways so-" and Sokka interrupted him with a kiss.
that kiss was something that Zuko wanted to do for so long, and so did Sokka. they just had now realized how much it was real, and how much they had craved it. the kiss lasted for what seemed forever. both adding more each time. Zuko's lips were soft. softer than he had envisioned it. Sokka cupped Zuko's jaw with his hands, Zuko cupping his. Sokka never truly realized that he liked Zuko. his crush probably had started a little before their trip to the boiling rock, until Suki came back. and he then forgot about it until she left and they got proximity.
Zuko knew it however, long before Suki left. when him and Mai broke up, Sokka was the one that helped him out the most. and ever since then his crush on him grew bigger. he just wasn't ready to accept it until now.

Sokka pulled away, even if he didn't want it to stop.
"boys can be together." Sokka said, smiling.
"yeah um... i'd have to make a few adjustment." Zuko said, rubbing his neck.
Sokka chuckled. Zuko loved that sound.
"so for how long did you want to do that?"
"a very very long time ago, when Mai left." Zuko's voice was low.
Sokka held him a little tighter, which Zuko replied by kissing his forehead.
"Zuko?" Sokka asked, his voice was also low.
"should i feel bad?"
"because Suki left a week ago and i'm already kissing you."
Zuko pulled away in order to look into Sokka's eyes.
"i don't think you should feel bad." Zuko didn't know how to feel, was he just a rebound? no, or else Sokka wouldn't have asked that.
"i just don't want you to think i'm using her to move on," Sokka said, looking directly into Zuko's eyes, "because... i kinda like you? if it wasn't obvious already."
Zuko smiled and kissed him again.
"i'm happy to hear that." Zuko said, and they kissed again.
they spent the rest of the night talking, hugging, but mostly kissing. it was something that had be craving for so long now.

A little rainbow [ZUKKA]Where stories live. Discover now