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Zuko wasn't stupid, he knew Suki was gorgeous. from her hair, to her eyes, to the way she says things when she talks to Sokka, and he didn't like it. Zuko had always been of the jealous kind, even with Mai. he didn't love Mai the same way he did with Sokka, he knew it. meanwhile yes he truly loved Mai, it felt and it was very different from him and Sokka's relationship. he liked, or at least thought he did, Mai since they were kids. it was an easy option, she was the one destined for him, so there wasn't a lot of looking around anyways. the more he thought about it, the more he realized he never really was into girls. even with Jin, they had shared a kiss, but he didn't feel much in that kiss. and back to Mai... she was more of a friend, or more of a plan for her and her family to stay powerful. but he didn't feel attraction toward her. he never felt attraction for a boy either, maybe due to the fact that he was always around girls and Mai, until Sokka. he had known Sokka before they became friends. their relationship didn't start off very great, and then came the trip to boiling rock. he insisted on coming with Sokka, he didn't really know why exactly he wanted to so bad, but he did. at first it was awkward but the more they worked together the more he could find a friend in Sokka. even Aang defeated Ozai, they moved to Ba Sing Se, Suki with Sokka and Mai was dating Zuko. as things were supposed to be.

when Mai broke up with Zuko, he felt lost. like his whole life and purpose was broken again. Mai was the one for him, he believed. he didn't see himself with someone else, even less a girl. he didn't know how to do it, how to find someone else. he couldn't sleep for days, and he barely ate, which worried the members of the gaang. Aang tried to talk to him, with no success. they had a great relationship, him and Aang, but the conversation lead to nowhere. he had talked to Toph, she was good in conversations when she wanted to. however it didn't help much, so was his conversation with Katara. he never was really close to Suki, so he didn't bother going up to her.
Sokka however had tried, and he succeeded, which gave him the title of Zuko's best friend. Sokka was here to listen, and he gave great advice, at least Zuko thought so. once he was over Mai, or his existential crisis, he had more time to think about other stuff. his plan to build a city for example, or how he could overcome his fear of being the firelord. or he could think about Sokka. was he really only his best friend? he never confided so much into someone before, except for Iroh maybe. but Sokka was a boy around his age, and he liked him. as a friend of course, because that's how you think about your best friend. was it really? Zuko never had a best friend, so he assumed that was normal. but everyday Sokka would occupy his mind. the way he would do everything was so... attractive. but no, that's not how it works, Sokka was his best friend and that was it. plus, he had a girlfriend, right, so thinking about him that way would be weird.

it didn't really stop Zuko. he still would think about him from times to times but he was convincing himself that it was how having a best friend worked.
and then he kissed Sokka, and when Sokka kissed him back he felt amazing. and then they started going out, and when Sokka asked him to be his boyfriend, he felt happy.
Sokka was the light to Zuko's days. he completed him in a way that no one else did, not even Mai. when he was with Sokka the only thing he could feel was warmth.

and he was glad Sokka wasn't only his boyfriend but also his best friend.

so when he saw that Suki was back, and she was flirting with Sokka, he didn't know how to feel. Sokka moved on from Suki very quickly, thanks to Zuko, and he was assured that he wasn't a rebound. however who could really guarantee that? of course he trusted Sokka, but Suki... she was his ex girlfriend after all, and was a few months really all Sokka needed for him to move on?

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