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disclaimer: this chapter contains light smut

"Sokka, Sokka wake up!" he heard in his dream, "wake up we're gonna be late to work!"
"what work? everything is perfectly fine..." he murmured, still asleep.
"no Sokka... dear spirits, ugh." Zuko removed the covers, "get up!"
Sokka let out a small screech and opened his eyes.
"hey!! i'm freezing!"
"wish i could warm you up but we need to hurry we're already late." Zuko said, going to his closet to find his work clothes.
Sokka woke up and opened the door to go to his room. he closed it and ran on Katara, leaving her bedroom.
"and what were you doing his Zuko's bedroom?" she said.
"oh um nothing, i-" he stuttered.
"you guys are acting so weird recently, but anyways i need to go to work."
"have a great day?" he said, trying to sound a little friendly.
"you too..." and she left the house.
Sokka put on his work clothes and put his hair in his signature ponytail. he left his room and he went to join Zuko who was waiting for him at the front door.
"thanks to you were gonna be late." he said, a frown on his face.
"calm down it's Iroh i'm sure he won't mind." Sokka said, and they left the place.

"Zuko, Sokka finally!" Iroh said the second they entered the shop, "where were you boys?"
"we erhhm were sleeping." Zuko said, passing his hand in his hair.
Iroh looked at Zuko, then Sokka without saying a word then smiled.
"okay but don't you come late ever again! i can barely handle all those customers by myself."
the two boys sighed and went behind the counter to make some tea.
today, Zuko was serving to the tables. usually it was Sokka's job but today he decided to do it, not thinking much of it. people didn't really mention his fire lord status and were rather kind, which relieved him. he came back to the tea station taking a quick break to talk to Sokka.
"so how is it going?" Sokka asked.
"it's not so bad actually. what about you? struggling?"
"no, not a little bit." that was a lie, Zuko knew it.
he went behind the counter to help Sokka.
"you gotta pour the water after putting the teabag." he explained.
Sokka did how Zuko told him to, however the firebender wasn't satisfied.
"no, not like that." he said, going behind Sokka and showing him.
their hands touched, giving Sokka a mini heart attack.
"do you get it now?" Zuko said in his ear, they were standing very close, not enough to seem weird, but enough to make Sokka's belly full of butterflies. no one could see them anyways.
"y-yeah." Sokka said, his voice shaking and his hands becoming moist.
"good." Zuko let go of Sokka's hands and walked away, leaving Sokka standing there, still processing what had happened.

the day of work being over, Sokka and Zuko had the rest of the evening to burn. they didn't know what they could do, since the plains where too far away and Ba Sing Se was quite crowded. so they decided to just take a walk into the streets. it was almost golden hour and it was hot outside. they walked around, no place to necessarily go. they found a little park with benches and trees, perfect for our secret lovers. they sat down, still kind of far way from each other, as hard as it was.
"so did you like being the waiter?" Sokka asked Zuko.
"it went surprisingly well today."
"so next time you're gonna do it again okay? i'm really picking up on this tea making thing."
Zuko laughed, which made Sokka smile.
"i wanted to apologize for being kind of snapping at you today." Zuko said, looking at his feet.
"Zuko it's fine we were late and i know how much this tea job means to you." Sokka smiled, taking Zuko's hand.
Zuko felt warm, Sokka's touch was always appreciated. even if it was small.
"i didn't really take the job only because i wanted to help my uncle out," Zuko admitted, "i wanted to spend time with you. i just... didn't realize that."
"really?" Sokka exclaimed, Zuko nodding.
"i thought it was very random from you to decline then accept that fast."
"do you think the others noticed?" Zuko asked, looking at the clouds.
"i think Katara's onto us."
"really? why?" Zuko asked, he wouldn't call themselves discreet however he wouldn't have thought Katara was suspecting anything.
"well um... i kind of went to her for advice, even if i said you were a girl! well i didn't say your name and said you were a girl just pretending i was talking about a girl when i was talking about you because i-"
"Sokka." Zuko interrupted, "please just tell me."
"fine. i asked her for advice and for the date place. and today she ran into me leaving your bedroom."
"oh. it's alright um." Zuko said, it wasn't really alright. but he didn't want to cause a mess.
"really? i thought you'd be mad." Sokka said relieved.
"i'm not it's not your fault, however i'd like to keep it as low as possible."
"i understand." Sokka half smiled, at least Zuko wasn't mad at him, and telling Katara would've been a bad idea. they knew she'd tell everyone.
"let's go back home shall we?" Sokka proposed, Zuko agreed.
they got up and started walking back home, the golden hour was at its peak, Sokka held Zuko's hand. and they walked back home, smiling at laughing at their stupid jokes. they didn't really care of who could see them and for a moment everything was perfect. arriving back home, they let go of each other's hands.
"we're home!!" Sokka yielded, no answer.
Zuko went to check in every room, no one was there.
"do you think they got kidnapped?" Sokka asked Zuko.
"no it would've been messier than this."
Sokka and Zuko looked around the house, any leads on where their friends could've been.
"anything?" Zuko asked.
"actually yes." Sokka answered.
"and you didn't tell me anything?"
"calm down i just found it."
the two boys leaned over to look at the tiny piece of paper on the stove.
"Aang and me going date, Toph gone. -Katara" they read out loud.
"why would she put it on the stove?" Zuko asked.
"probably because that's the first place we would've checked if we were hungry." Sokka replied.
there was a brief moment of silence, then an understanding between the two boys.
"so we're home alone for most of the evening." Zuko said, looking back at Sokka.
they ran for Sokka's bedroom and closed the door.

"why did you close the door? we're home alone." Sokka asked Zuko.
"just in case." he whispered.
Zuko slammed Sokka against the wall, holding him still. they looked into each other's eyes and their breath was hot, especially Zuko's.
"what are you waiting for?" Sokka asked.
"i'm admiring you that's all." Zuko said, his voice low.
Sokka smiled and kissed him. it was a pretty kiss, romantic, full of desire and wonder. their lips were hot, burning.
"on the bed" Zuko whispered.
Sokka pushed him on the bed, removing his shirt, then going on top of Zuko. they kissed, putting in their tongue, letting them wrestle and wrestle. each kiss was stronger, trying to "win" whatever there was to win. Sokka removed Zuko's shirt, touching every part of his chest. he wanted it, he desired it. they both laid down and Sokka kissed his cheek, don't forget the scar, he kissed it.
"you look so pretty with your hair down." Zuko whispered. he removed the leather string around Sokka's hair and let them fall down.
"thank you." Sokka smiled, kissing him.
this kiss was hot, maybe because of the firebender, or because of the way they used their tongue. they held hands again, Zuko's left and Sokka's right.
he got off Zuko and fell besides him. after regaining a little bit of air, they kissed again. slowly this time, enjoying their taste. Zuko smiled and Sokka let out a little giggle.
"what?" he asked.
"nothing. i'm just very happy." Zuko said.
"i thought you were never happy."
"not when i'm with you, you make me happy Sokka." said Zuko, passing his hand through Sokka's hair.
"i love you jerk." he kissed Zuko, who obviously kissed back.
it's the happiest they had been in months.

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