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Sokka was in Zuko's room, they were laying in his bed. Zuko's head on Sokka's chest, his eyes closed, he was playing in Zuko's hair.
"so yeah, of course south pole meat is much more better than earth kingdom meat and it's a fact!" Sokka said.
"are you sure you're not just saying that because you're used to south pole meat?" Zuko giggled.
"of course not! jerky is much more practical than braised duck and you can't prove me wrong."
"okay, fine i believe you." Zuko said.
"your hair is growing so fast, it's almost touching your shoulders." Sokka said, examining a strip of Zuko's hair.
"i should probably put it in a top knot."
"add in a little ornament." Sokka joked.
"not yet." Zuko said, kissing Sokka's chest.
"baby i'm so sorry but i have to go back to my room."
"what? why?"
"i have something to do. it's like a pretty important paper for the south pole. and i need to read and sign it for tomorrow." Sokka said, gettting up and putting his shirt back on.
"can't you just do it here? i won't bother, i'll just... lay in bed." Zuko proposed, pointing at his desk next to his bed where a little oil lamp was on.
"but i'll just want to join you in bed it'll be distracting."
"oh c'mon, you can do it. and you get a reward if you're able to finish it for tonight." Zuko said, tempting Sokka.
"ugh fine! i really cannot win with you can i." Sokka said, going to his room to get his stuff.

he was looking around, unable to find the paper.
"fuck fuck fuck! i need this thing!" he murmured to himself.
"need a hand?" a familiar voice said.
Sokka turned around to find Suki standing in his doorframe, hanging out his paper.
"oh thank spirits you found it! where was it?" Sokka said, taking the page from Suki.
"in the living room. you should really be more careful of where you put your important stuff."
"thank you so much. i um... going to bed now." he said awkwardly.
"Sokka can we talk?" she asked.
they sat on his bed, Suki taking a deep breath, like trying to catch the familiar smell of Sokka's room. however it felt different. there was an awkward silence, Sokka waiting for Suki to start.
"i missed you." she said, looking at him.
"i missed you too." Sokka said, looking at the ground.
she let out a faint smile.
"we shouldn't have broken up Sokka. i still love you and i tried getting over you these past months but i can't seem to forget you. the thing is, you're everything i wanted and more and it was just such a bad call to break up." she said, taking his hand, "and it's my fault, we should've tried this long distance thing, because i care about you. so so much Sokka and i regret not giving us a chance. do you think we could make it work again?" she said, tears were falling on her cheeks, but they were quiet.
Sokka removed his hand from Suki's.
"i- c-can't" he sighed."
"what do you mean you can't?"
i'm tired. goodnight Suki." he said, dry.
she left silently. when Sokka got to Zuko's room, he was already sleeping. so he guessed it was better for him to hop in bed and cuddle.
well that was...
"a lot."
it was. i cant believe she still likes me.
"do you think that's why she came back?"
no... yes... i don't know! maybe?
"maybe we should let Zuko know about this."
maybe we should.

the next morning Sokka woke up with Zuko still in his arms, however he was awake, looking at his bone necklace.
"good morning. are you alright?" Sokka asked.
Zuko kissed his neck.
"hello. it took you awhile to come back last night, i'm sorry i fell asleep i was just very tired."
"it's fine. i was too exhausted to read or write anything so i just went and joined you."
tell him.
"so you didn't do your work. so you don't get the reward after all..." Zuko said, teasing Sokka. his fingers slowly drawing on his torso.
"well um... might get to it then." Sokka said, his face becoming red.
"let's go eat first. i'm starving." Zuko said, getting out of bed followed by Sokka.
tell him.
"Zuko?" Sokka called before going out of the room.
"i- errmh..." he said looking down at his feet.
why is this so fucking hard? just tell him already.
"Sokka? are you okay?" Zuko asked concerned.
"it's nothing. let's go eat."
next time.
they went to the kitchen, a good smell coming out from some pots. Katara must've made some deep fried pickled radishes, she liked the aroma of it. Aang and Suki were sitting at the table having a discussion, Toph lying down on the couch. Suki didn't really seem in her plate, to which Sokka's heart kind of broke. he didn't like seeing her in that way.
"good morning everyone! where's Katara?" Sokka asked.
"she had an interview for a job or something." Toph said.
"i hope she gets it." Zuko said quietly, only Sokka heard it and let out a small smile.
they took a plate of the deep fried dish Katara made before leaving, and went to sit down with Aang and Suki. as she was about to move next to Sokka, Zuko rapidly sat down to where she was planning on sitting.
"so Aang, about the city..." Zuko said, trying to change the subject.
"yeah! me and Suki were just talking about it and she found a great idea for the name of it."
"what is it." Zuko frowned.
"uh... i thought you guys could name it Republic city? it has a charm to it."
"wait that's actually a great name!" Sokka said.
"yea... i guess." Zuko growled.
"thank you Sokka. by the way would you like doing something with me today? i didn't know Katara had an interview and now i have nothing to do all day so maybe-" Suki said, interrupted by Zuko.
"can i come too?" he cut, "i'm very bored."
Aang looked at Zuko weirdly, like trying to say something to him without actually talking.
"i thought it could only be me and Sokka uh-" she said, until she got cut off again.
"and why that?" Zuko's tone started to get angrier.
Sokka hit Zuko with his shoulder, Aang coughing, trying to release the tension that Zuko had built.
"Zuko we have to... talk today actually." Aang intervened.
"about what!" Zuko screamed.
"about some... avatar and firelord things." he said, trying to calm Zuko down.
"b-but" Zuko tried to respond but he was interrupted by Sokka grabbing his thigh.
"Zuko, i think it would be better if you and Aang could... do your things. me and Suki are friends!" he said, looking at Suki who made a deceived smile, "so... we're gonna be fine." he looked back at Zuko, giving him a warm smile.
"ugh fine." he gave up, all he was going to do anyways is make the tension higher and he didn't want to do that, even tho it was a little too late.
Sokka and Suki left not long after, Sokka giving Zuko a reassuring look before closing the door behind him.
"wow Zuko i didn't know your heart could beat that fast." Toph said, still on the couch.
"Zuko buddy maybe you need to calm down about this situation, they're just friends." Aang said.
"i don't know what took over me but... i just couldn't control it."
"sounds like you got some jealousy issues." Toph said.
"i don't! i just don't want to see Sokka and Suko together!" Zuko yelled.
"exactly my point." she continued.
"guys calm down please, no need to feud over this. Zuko i understand that you love Sokka but Toph's got a point, you can't manage your anger sometimes." Aang added.
"and what about it uh! i don't care i just don't want my boyfriend to hang out with his-" Zuko was yelling even louder, but he was cut off by the door closing shut.
"what's going on here?" Katara said, confused, "Zuko maybe tone down, we can hear you from outside of the house."
"UGH! I HATE THIS!" Zuko screamed one last time before going to his room, slamming the door.
"what's with him?" Katara asked.
"he's just pissed his little boyfriend is on a date right now with someone else." Toph said.
"wait what?" Katara let out.
"Toph is exaggerating, Sokka is just out with Sukki. as friends." Aang said.
"please it's obvious she likes him, i can't even see and i know it!" Toph said.
"okay but Sokka doesn't like her that way so it's not a date!" Aang argued.
"he just doesn't know it's a date for her." Toph argued back.
"well-" Aang tried to add.
"enough! i'm going to check on him." Katara interrupted, "i'd be pretty pissed too if you went out on a date with Toph." she said to Aang, leaving the room, heading to Zuko's.
"but i didn't even date Toph!" Aang said.
"and i don't even like you!" Toph replied.

Zuko heard a soft knock on the door, meanwhile he was expecting Aang, he wasn't surprised when he heard Katara's voice asking if she could come in. he said yes and she slowly entered and then sat on the bed.
"hey." she broke the ice.
"um... i know your relationship with my brother is none of my business but are guys alright?" she said, careful with her words.
"yea we're good." he said dryly.
"so what's bothering you?" she said, trying to make him talk.
"is it the fact that him and Suki are currently spending time together?" she said, obviously trying to make Zuko say anything.
"Zuko... you know you can trust me." she said, looking at him.
he sighed, she was right after all. he saw Katara like the little sister he never had and she was always there for him, like he was always there for her.
"i hate when i'm like this. i- i just can't seem to have control over myself." he finally admitted.
"your jealousy?"
"yea. i don't know why but i just feel jealous when Suki talks to Sokka, or looks at him." he said, looking at his feet.
"and you're jealous because..."
"because they dated before. and i'm not blind, i know she still likes him."
"and they're on a date right now?" Katara asked.
"well for Suki it is, but i doubt Sokka knows."
"then it's not really a date. but i see why you're upset."
"it's not about that! i just feel like she's going to try and do something!" he said loudly, tears were falling off his eyes. he quickly tried to hide them with his hair, but Katara noticed. she didn't point it out tho.
"Zuko... i know Sokka loves you, like truly. believe me he never talked about anybody else the same way he talks about you. his face lights up when we mention your name, and you know that he's head over heels for you. honestly i don't see what you find him but you're both lucky to have each other. and yeah i loved Suki but you're special to him Zuko, trust me i know." she finished. the room was silent for a good minute before Zuko broke the silence.
"Sokka talks about me?"
"well yeah from times to times... or like all the time. it's becoming annoying."
"so you knew?" Zuko said surprised.
"lets just say i was putting the pieces together." she giggled, "i didn't know however now that i do know about you two everything makes sense, he truly loves you Zuko, you have nothing to worry about."
he smiled, tears still quietly running down his cheeks. he dried them off with the back of his hand and he faced Katara who was still looking at him. he gave her a warm smile before hugging her.
she silently left his room, leaving Zuko alone with his thoughts.

A little rainbow [ZUKKA]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα