twenty eight

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The rest of the night I tell her more about my parents and how they were killed. My voice became hoarse as I tried my best to not cry in front of her, I just don't like people seeing me at my worst. But, when I'm with her I've never felt more like myself than with anyone before.
Anderson included.

"It was a burglary," I told her as we sat down on the edge of my bed. "They came in the middle of the night, took all of our things and started to come into my room. By that time, my dad fought him and was able to knock the gun from his hands. My mom quickly ran toward my bedroom to protect me, but she was too late. The other guy shot her and then shot my dad too," I twiddle with my thumbs as I start to gather the horrible memories. "So, I live with my grandma now. She's all I have left."

Her arms reached around my waist, nuzzling her head into my chest. Her vanilla shampoo hits me like a truck, and I instantly feel my body relax.

"I couldn't imagine what you and your grandma went through. I'm so glad you have each other."

I take a deep breath and wrap my arms around her also. "I miss them every single day."

"So, what happened to the burglars? Were they ever caught?"

"Yes. I remember waking up and hearing my mom scream before a pistol fired. They would always keep a landline phone in every bedroom for emergencies, so I was able to immediately call 911. I stayed in my room in the closet until the cops arrived."

"Oh my God, Luca. That must have been traumatic for you."

I run my hands through her hair as a sense of security. "It was and still is."

"How old were you?"

"I was nine at the time."

She lets out a deep breath. "I remember rumors going around school that they were murdered, but I wasn't sure how much to believe. You know how students can be."

"I know," I tell her softly, still stroking her short curly hair. "How come it took you this long to ask, though?"

"Because it's none of my business. Seems very personal to me, and besides," she looks up from laying her head on my chest. "Whether it was true or not, I would have never judged you."

"Thank you—"

"Just like you never judged me with my mom."

She brings her lips into a small smile, letting me quickly follow. "And I never will."

My lips parted before I leaned down to kiss her. It was like our first kiss at the football game, but something felt more real with this one. It could be the tears from both of us or the way she melts into my arms. It could be the sadness we both feel.

I swear, I could kiss her forever.
I don't feel sad anymore.

With Prom right around the corner, Cassie and I talk about what to wear. Like I've said before, this is my first time, so I have no idea how to do these things.

"We should wear gold," she squeals at the lunch table, taking a bite of her chicken salad.

"Gold?" Marcus questions. "You hate gold."

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