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Of course, he is used to it, but it doesn't make it right. I can't stop thinking about yesterday in the library when he basically pushed Luca down.

"What the hell, Marcus?" I called out from the table behind him.

"Hey," he looked my way, shrugging his broad shoulders. "It's not me who can't watch where they're going."

I sank back down in my seat, watching the smug look on his face as he leaned closer toward Luca. I couldn't really hear anything with the jocks surrounding his every move and laughing with each comeback that came out of his mouth. It sickens me how his ego is higher than his IQ.

Jeez Cassandra. Lighten up a little.

Something changed in Luca. I could see it in his eyes. He wasn't afraid of Marcus. He challenged him and this got right under his skin. Honestly, I don't blame him one bit. Someone needs to put Marcus in his place.

When Anderson came over, stepping in front of him, they both walked toward the back of the library and Marcus came to sit beside me. He brushed his lips against my ear and whispered I could really go for a kiss right now. I giggled because I didn't know what else to do or how to respond to that.

I love Marcus and I love how affectionate he can be, but the way he treats people... I am so damn tired of it. His posture changes. His personality changes. He loves it and thrives from it. What kind of person am I with?

Maybe my parents were right.

"What are you doing after practice tonight?" he said in my ear, taking me away from my depressing thoughts.

My head tilts up at him slightly. "Sydney and I are going to Greg's Diner."

He doesn't hesitate. "Can I meet you there?"

I glance over at Sydney who is looking in the direction of Anderson and Luca. He shifts in his seat once they lock eyes together. I always knew she had a thing for him and it's obvious he has a thing for her. She mentioned his name the other day and told me about him asking her to Prom, but she said she already had a date. I couldn't believe the lie she told him.

"Sydney, really? You clearly have a thing for him. Why did you do that?" I said to her in the girls bathroom a few weeks ago. She adjusts her uniform skirt and shrugs in a disappointing manner. "I was nervous."

I crossed my arms against Marcus' letterman.
"Well, I can't wait to meet this imaginary mystery man."

"Shut up." She scolds, swatting my arm with a smile.

I give Marcus a peck on his cheek. "Sure. See you after class."

I was mortified at the way he acted that evening at the diner. Sydney couldn't believe it herself either with how wide her mouth dropped. All Luca did was hand me my vanilla shake and Marcus snatched it out of his hands because he didn't want him to touch me.

Are you freaking serious?

I knew I needed to apologize to him.

As he stepped away from the booth and back into the kitchen, I followed his stride before he closed the door. He didn't deserve that. Luca has always been nice to me, even in middle school when I would ask him for favors and help with certain projects. He never told me no.

The three of us were inseparable. Marcus, Luca, and I. I find myself staring out the window in the booth, reminiscing on my childhood. The corner of my mouth starts bleeding from chewing it so hard. I do this a lot when I'm overwhelmed or thinking hard about something.

"You okay?"

I looked away from the window and saw Sydney across from me with a worried look. She could feel the tension covering the entire booth. Marcus is in conversation with the boys so he isn't paying much attention to us. My shoulders shrug as I shake my head. "Not really." I mouth to her, letting her nod.

"I'm sorry," she says. "Wanna leave?"


My shake is left untouched as I slide out from the booth. Marcus stands up when I find both feet on the tiled floor. "You leaving?"

Trent and Cole glance between us.

Sydney walks around them before grabbing my hand, ushering me out before I'm able to respond. Right before I exit from the Diner, I lock eyes with Luca and I swear time froze for a few seconds. I couldn't take my eyes off him.
When I got home I didn't respond to any of Marcus' text messages.

He didn't like that one bit when he picked me up for school the next morning. I remained quiet when I got in his vehicle and buckled up. I could feel his piercing green eyes staring at me.

"What's wrong with you? Have I done something?"

Of course, he is absolutely clueless.
"Just take me to school."

My eyes stay glued out the window as he puts his car in reverse with frustration. He doesn't say another word until we pull up into the school parking lot. "I guess I'll talk to you later."

Marcus slams his door behind him before walking around and meeting up with Trent and Cole, and I am left alone in the passenger seat right where I want to be.


In Mrs. Higgins class, I find my seat next to Luca and begin our lesson again before taking the pop quiz. We go over biotic factors that include plants, animals, and other organisms. Yeah, I know. Word vomit. I am still so confused.

My eyes stay glued to my paper that she hands back to me. I take a deep breath as the D in bold red stares back at me in the top corner.


"Are you okay?"

Luca's voice pulls me in. I slowly look to my right and see him showing me a small smile. I sigh and hand him my paper.

"I don't get it. I studied all night and I failed. If I don't pass this class, I won't be able to graduate."

He takes the paper from my hands and looks over it.

"I'm sorry-

I pinch the bridge of my nose to soothe the pounding headache.

"I'm going to fail."

"You will pass, Cassie."

"Easy for you to say," I almost laughed out loud. "You were born a genius."

Now he's laughing. "Genius, huh?"

I roll my eyes before snatching the quiz from his hands. He whines as if I gave him a paper cut.

"Don't get a big head now."

Anderson leans across his desk with a cheesy grin on his face. There's no telling where this conversation is headed.

"Too late, he's already there."

• • •

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