twenty seven

170 26 20


How can he think I'm turning into Marcus?

How can he think I am not the same person anymore?

I am still me.

My phone vibrated against my desk before I noticed two messages from Cassie.

I'm alive. Just a busy weekend.
Also, I don't think tutoring is a good idea tonight.

I typed her another message.

Hey. I'm glad you're alive.
I have to be on the track after school so it's fine.

She starts to type back but the three little dots soon go away. I stare down at my phone hesitantly waiting for a response, but I never got one. I know she's dealing with a lot. She has so much on her plate right now. When she left my house Friday after the broken vase incident with her mom, I wanted to go with her.

Just to be that support she needs.

I changed into my gym shorts after school ended and walked with Scott Parks to the track. He's a junior and this is his first year on the cross country team. Which could have fooled me. He's faster than me during the meets. Some of the guys call him Speedy Gonzales.

"Look man, I don't know if it's my place or not, but I somewhat agree with Anderson."

I glance at him as we walk through the field. "God, not you, too."

He holds up his hands. "Marcus is bad news. Trust me."

"I know how he can be, but he's been fine lately. Much better, in my opinion."

"He's causing problems already with the two of you."

"What? I can't have another friend besides Andy?" The tone in my voice has shifted.

"That's not what I'm saying—"

I quickly shake my head when we make it onto the track. "I'm not doing this again."

"He's been talking shit about you the entire time."

I let out a laugh. "Like what?"

Now he wants to stop talking. "You didn't hear it from me."

After practice, I texted Cassie to let her know that we ended early today and to see if she felt like coming over to study. It was only five, so we still had a few hours to go over the lesson in Mrs. Higgins' class.

She read my message but didn't reply back. For some reason, I feel like something is wrong. It isn't like her to miss school or barely respond. She did the same to Sydney who seemed genuinely worried. Sydney is the only one who I can talk to since she knows about the situation with her mom.

Marcus doesn't even know.

He's been talking shit about you the entire time.

I ignore the thoughts and start the ignition in my truck. With my hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel I suddenly pulled up into Cassie's driveway. I'm not one to show up unattended to someone's home, but I need to make sure she's okay.

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