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We make our way to the back corner of the library when Anderson clears his throat.

"Dude, what was that about?"

I shake my head while stuffing the cinnamon toast my grandma made for me into my mouth. "You know how he is."

"A douchebag?"

"I was going to say arrogant, but yes."

He laughs while finishing his orange juice. "He's such a dick. I don't know why this school treats him like a celebrity."

Him being the school quarterback would suggest otherwise.

"Because this school is full of morons."

There's no denying that.

"Just look at their table," He motions his head, making me follow his gaze. "Everyone surrounds him like he's a lost puppy, even Sydney Turner."

My eyes find her sitting beside Cassie and the other jocks. She is paying more attention to her notebook and pencil than anyone else at the table. When her bored expression looks our way, Anderson nearly jumps out of his seat.

I chuckle a little. "You're interested in Sydney?"

He shrugs, focusing more on his orange juice.

"No, I mean, I don't know—

"It's because she turned you down already, huh?"

After I say that his eyes widen. "How did you know that?"

Is he being serious?

"I'm your best friend. I know everything."

"You don't know everyth—"


He parts his mouth slowly, feeling defeated, but quickly shuts it again. His body sinks back into his seat. "Yes, she told me someone had already asked her to Prom."

I nod. "At least you put yourself out there, I couldn't ask Cassie even if I wanted to."

"Because she is with Marcus... who is her boyfriend," he says as if I don't already know this.

"Yes, exactly."

He shakes his head. "What I'm saying is you need to give up on it man, it's not going to happen. You're only going to hurt yourself the longer you go on about it."

My lips curve into a frown. "I know."

Glancing back at their table, I notice how lost and upset she is. Just a minute ago she was giggling about something Marcus had said.
What could have changed?

Anderson looks over his shoulder and nods when he sees what has caught my attention.

"This is how Cassie is."

"What do you mean?" I ask right when the bell rings.

He stands up from the table and follows me out into the hall. "She's been with him since, what, middle school? Junior high? It's always going to be the same thing."

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