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What did I do?
How could I be so stupid?
Of course, popularity isn't everything.

The drive back to her house was so quiet that I caught myself holding my breath a few times. It's never been this awkward between us before. I can thank myself for that.

Pulling up into her driveway, I notice her body language change the minute I put my truck into park. She rubs her hands together as she looks down from the window.

I need to say something.

"I'm sorry about earlier—"


My head hangs low as I close my eyes. Shit. She doesn't even want to speak to me. I don't blame her one bit if she called the whole thing off.

She finally glances at me, and I find her gaze. Tears start to burn at her hazel eyes. "You have no idea what I deal with every single day."

Several tears start to fall.

"Talk to me, Cassie. Please."

By this point her face is covered in tears. Leaving her beautiful face red and puffy from trying to wipe them away. It was hard, but I caught myself leaning over to wipe one away also. She looked up the minute my finger brushed her cheek.

"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?"

She hesitates at first, but slowly nods. "My mom is very sick."

I don't say anything else. A few deep breaths later she tells me more.

"We're not just moving for college, we're moving so she can stay in a psychiatric hospital, it's close to the campus there," she takes another deep breath, trying hard to not choke on her own words. "She has bipolar depression and doesn't take her medication properly. So she needs professional help, because my dad and I are tired. We're so tired." She cries, putting her face into her hands.

I reach over to her and pull her into my chest, clutching her tight to me, letting her cry as long as she needs to. "I'm so sorry, Cassie."

With every sob I held her tighter and every sniffle I rubbed her back. A part of me didn't even want to let her go. A part of me didn't want her to go home tonight.

I just wanted her to be with me.

That night meant a lot to her.
We sat in my truck for what felt like hours. Her perfume welcomed my nose, consuming me with honey and vanilla—while I slowly rubbed her back, keeping her as close to me as possible. The last few minutes we had I didn't want to waste. If only time could stand still, I'd freeze time right now.

"Do you always cry this much?" I ask sarcastically, quirking up a brow.

She looks up from tucking her nose into my neck. "Shut up, Richards."

I run my thumb underneath her right eye, slowly wiping away the tears—which makes her instantly shiver from my touch.

"I'm sorry for my comments earlier. I don't know why I said that, but I don't think that about you at all. I just, I sometimes wish I had your life."

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