thirty seven

190 21 24


Graduation is finally here!

I've been waiting for this moment since the beginning of Freshman year. I'm so thrilled to attend college and get my Master's degree. Which is something Cassie and I never discussed. We never talked about what our plans were after school. I know they are moving, but I don't know what she wants to study in college.

I still haven't told her that I'm going to Stanford.

Princeton was my second choice, but I can't leave my grandma right now. That's too far of a distance between us. But I guess it doesn't matter now.

"Anderson, how are things with you and Sydney?"

He puts the dark maroon gown on and fixes his collar underneath it. "Things are good, no actually... things are great."

A huge smile is plastered against his face.

"That's good to hear."

His mom is still in rehab and he's living with my grandma and I until she gets out. But we keep telling him he can stay for as long as he needs. We don't start college till the end of August and since we are in May, I have plenty of time to get ready and spend the last few months with her. I'm going to miss her so much and leaving her behind gives me more anxiety than it should.

"You boys look so handsome," she exclaims and wipes a tear away from her cheek.

"Save all of that until tonight." I laugh bringing her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Granny." Anderson chimes in giving her a hug as well.

We are gathered out on the football field, sitting side by side, row by row, right in front of the podium with chairs sitting beside it. The stadium is filled with our loved ones, family and friends. I spot my grandma sitting with Cassie's parents and the thought of her sends a swelling to my heart.

"Have you spoken to her since Prom?"
Anderson leans over to whisper in my ear.

I shake my head. "Only when we took our final, but that was it."

Two months ago.
It's weird to even say out loud.

My eyes wander for hers, but I don't see her anywhere. Did she not pass her Biology final? That can't be, because why would her parents be here then?

Principal Treadway comes to the podium to give his final speech. "This bunch has really impressed me these last four years. I've admired each and every single one of you. I am so proud and excited to see where you go from here. I can't wait to see what you make for yourself in this life and for your career."

"Where is Cassie?" I ask him but he shrugs his shoulders.

After ten minutes of our principal talking, he invites our valedictorian to the podium and my eyes blink a few times. I need to make sure I'm seeing this right. Not that I don't think she was ever capable of this, but I really had no clue. She always told me she didn't care for school, and it was harder for her than others.

She proved all of us wrong.

"Thank you, Principal Treadway," Cassie says into the microphone. Her eyes glance at everyone before smiling. "I am honored to be your class valedictorian. I can tell by your faces you are shocked just as much as I am," a few laughs and cheers fill the air before she continues her speech. She takes a deep breath suddenly and glances down at the paper she unfolded to read from. After a few seconds, she looks up again.

"I never thought I would be up here doing this. I never believed in myself. I never thought I was good or smart enough. But that changed when someone very special came into my life. I learned that I'm capable of doing anything and I'm brighter than what I think, even if I can be clueless sometimes." She smiles, and my throat goes instantly dry. "But what I will say is to never give up and fight for the life you want."

As we throw our caps into the air, I quickly grab mine and run after Cassie. She is walking beside her parents, almost stepping off the field when I call out her name. Her parents smile and walk toward their vehicle, giving us a moment together. Even though it feels like forever since I've spoken to her.

"Hi," I say breathlessly.

She smiles. "Hi Luca."

"Congrats on Valedictorian!" I blurted out, even though there's so many things I should be saying to her. So many things I want to tell her.

"Thank you. I still can't believe it."

I nod and focus more on her hazel eyes. They seem more at peace. Like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

"Thank you." She looks up at me and smiles again.

I quirk up a brow. "For what?"

"For tutoring me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have passed."

I shook my head. "You're smarter than what you think, I knew you'd breeze on through it."

A smirk appeared on her bashful face.


I study her, trying to figure out what's going on in that brain of hers. "How'd you like my speech?"

I crossed my arms and shrugged. "The someone special part caught my attention."

"And what about the clueless part?"

I see what she's doing.

"Yeah," I scratch my head. "I'm sorry about that."

She laughs and brushes her fingers across my arms. "I'm just messing with you, Luca." It's been too long since we've been this close and her graze against my skin was like I forgot how her touch felt. I don't ever want to forget it again.

"Still, I shouldn't have said that."

She turns around and walks toward her parents' car. "I deserved it."

I walk after her, not wanting this conversation to end. "Hey, where are you going?"

Cassie turns around. "I have to go home and pack, we leave in two weeks."

"You're moving to LA already?"

She frowns. "Yes, we're still admitting my mom, she needs this more than I do right now."

"So, what will you do before college classes start?"

"I'm not sure yet, spend more time with my dad and see the city." She bites her lip making me focus more on it than I probably should.
We never talked about that kiss from the football game or the kiss from my room. It almost seems like I forgot what her lips felt like.

I need to feel them again.

• • •

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