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The next day is just like any other day.

I eat Cheerios before school, get dressed, brush my teeth and hair, then tell my grandma goodbye as she hands me my lunch with a daily sticky note.

Today's note says:
Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

I meet Cassie outside the school building, welcoming her into a small hug and quickly interlock our fingers before walking down the halls. For a second, I hesitate on kissing the top of her head, but I don't. We find Anderson outside Mrs. Lopez's class talking to Sydney Turner. I look back at Cassie who gives me the same expression I'm giving her.

What the hell?

The bell rings, signaling us to our next class. I basically speed walked into Mrs. Lopez's class, sitting down beside Sydney—not giving her a chance to speak yet.

"What was that about?"

She eyes me suspiciously. "What was what about?"

"Anderson," I whisper. "Did you tell him the truth?"

Her shoulders shrug before twirling her strawberry hair. "Not exactly, but I did tell him my date dumped me."

I roll my eyes. "Sydney..."

"What?" she scolds.

"All you do is lie to him; I'm beginning to wonder if you're even worth it."


I shake my head. "I'm sorry, but the more you lie, I lie. I hate keeping this from him."

"What I did wasn't even that bad."

"You made up an imaginary date, and then you tell him your imaginary date dumped you—so you're free again to the dance. I'm sure you made him feel like a rebound."

She stares down at her fingers before looking back at me. "I guess I didn't think of it like that."

I slouch back into the seat before Mrs. Lopez closes the door behind her. "Just please tell him soon because he's a great guy who really likes you. I think you like him too, so do the right thing please, because I hate keeping this from him."

She rests her hand upon her cheek, leaving her elbow on the desk. "I will Luca, I promise."

The Spanish assignment didn't last as long as I thought it would. We went over the Take My Order game again and then each group had to speak in front of the class about what they came up with. As much as I enjoy school and catch onto things quickly, I really hate talking in front of the classroom. My anxiety feels like twelve elephants sitting on my chest making it impossible to breathe.

Once we were done Sydney went into conversation again, turning around in her seat.

"So, how are things with Cassie?"

"Really good, actually."

And the fact that it's fake, you know, it's going fantastic.

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