thirty three

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As I step out of my truck, I walk around to her side and open the passenger door for her. Her hand fits perfectly in mine as I reach out for hers, letting her step out gently so she doesn't mess up her shoes. The gravel in the parking lot is basically full of sand. She smiles, letting me know she appreciates the gesture.

"Thank you."

I try to open my mouth to say something, just to say anything, but I can't find the words. My vocabulary isn't an option at this point, because no matter how many times I want to tell her how amazing she is or how beautiful she is, nothing comes out. Walking inside the Auditorium almost everyone stops dancing once they notice us. I really thought by this point people would get the hint that we were dating but eyes are always on us.

Actually, they are always on her.

The Auditorium is filled with blue and white balloons, a disco light hanging from the ceiling, and a DJ booth at the top of the stage. The song playing through the speakers is Are You with Me by Nilu. In my peripheral vision I notice a small smile spread across Cassie's rosy face.

"I love this song."

Me too, I say to myself.

"Miss Harlow, would you like to dance with me?"

She looks up with a weird expression.
"I think you just ruined it by referring to me as my mother."

I chuckle awkwardly before she speaks again with an eager smile.

"Of course, I will dance with you, Luca."

Her arm clutches tighter as she locks her arm into mine letting me lead her to the dance floor. Anderson is dancing with Sydney, who is wearing a long navy-blue dress to match him. He suddenly notices us walking toward them.

"Hey man," he says, pulling me into a bro hug.
Cassie and I both greet them before we turn to dance to the music, her hands slide behind my neck while mine creep down her back.

My hands have never been this close on her innocent body. So delicate. I swallow hard as I see her pull her bottom lip into her mouth.

"Right now, I need you here
I need you to stay strong
To remind me where I came from
And where I belong"

Cassie hums the song as we continue to sway our hips to the sound. Welcoming the moment between us.

The moment that I never want to end.

I lean my head down to whisper in her ear. "You really do look so beautiful tonight."

She looks up and smiles, tucking the hair behind her ear. "Thank you, Luca. I didn't know you could clean up so nicely."

"I've been doing a lot of things lately that surprises you."

Her hazel eyes stare back into mine before speaking. "Yes, you have."

"So, wake up and stay with me
Cause I'm starting to
Think that I never
Actually had you
You're not in the dark
But far from the light
And I need to know now"

"Are you with me, are you in or—are you out?" I sing softly into her ear. Her eyes meet mine as she listens, eyes widening in surprise.

"You know this song?"

I run circles against her back. "You should know by now that I don't listen to shitty music."

An amused expression fills her face. "I guess you're right, because my playlist is full of songs that you showed me."

"Which is why I'm always surprising you."

She gives me an eye roll. "Let's not get a big head now."

We laugh until the song ends, releasing our grips on each other, and making our way toward the punch.

I didn't want to take my hands off her back.

"What's going on with you two?" I ask Anderson as I fix Cassie a cup.

He shakes his head. "With whom?"

"Don't play dumb now."

Anderson laughs. "We're just friends."

I blink at him a few times before speaking, "Sure."

As I finish pouring the punch into the red cup, I turn to hand it to Cassie, but she suddenly waves her hand to tell me no.

"Excuse me real quick."
That's all she manages to say before running slowly in her heels.

I opened my mouth to speak, but she ran out of the Auditorium, not giving me a chance to ask if everything was okay.

"What was that about?" Sydney mentions as she stands beside Anderson.

I shrugged. "I have no idea."

Ten minutes pass and she still hasn't come back. I keep checking the watch on my wrist, checking the time every second it seems. If I keep this up, I'm going to seem possessive. What could have made her leave so unexpectedly?

"I'll be right back." I tell him as I go to search for her, walking out of the building and down the hall that leads to the front doors.

I'm able to hear a few voices as I walk away further and further from the music. I feel like this is a game of hot and cold as I get warmer and warmer following the voices.

Once I reach them—

That's when I stop in my tracks and find Cassie talking to Marcus.

Not only talking...

But kissing him.

• • •

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