Chapter 51

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Chapter 51



After William showered and got dressed, we left his room and walked into the theatre room. I was a little sore after our heated session in the room. If it were someone else, I wouldn't have agreed to a quick-y, but with William, it is difficult to keep my hands to myself.

While he showered, he asked me to change the t-shirt Gwen had lend me and wear his instead. I shrugged and took it from his hands. Who would say no to an oversized comfortable t-shirt that smells like their man? No one.

Currently, the guys were sleeping while, us, girls were working on our next plan. This plan came as a surprise to me too. I thought after our plan on the balcony, we won and there will be no plans further, but I was wrong. Apparently, this was the final touch in the prank war and also a warning to not mess with us again.

I was squeezing toothpaste in William's hand while Leslie was busy drawing on Ethan. Gwen was attached to Ashton because Alex had cuffed them together. I had a good laugh when I saw William's face. The brothers ran to them as soon as they noticed their handcuffs. It was really hilarious to watch them.

"How are we doing this?" Alexis asked quietly, standing beside a sleeping Max.

"Just squeeze it on their hand. They shouldn't feel ticklish. That's for morning." Gwen explained from her position next to Ashton. Since she can't move, she has been giving instructions to everyone.

The plan was simple. All we had to do was put toothpaste, shaving cream and snow spray on their hand and tickle them. When they try to scratch the itchiness, their face will be covered in these items. We were also drawing doodles on their faces.

"You can't even do anything," Amber muttered, putting shaving cream on Chris's hand.

"Not my fault. Blame it on Alex," Gwen said, shrugging. I heard muttering and looked at Leslie. I noticed something. Whenever the name Alex is spoken, Leslie is the first one to react. And this happened while we were in kitchen too. That was the first time I noticed something was different with them.

We all were huddled in the kitchen and arranging the bucket of flour at the entrance of the kitchen so when the boys enter, they could be drenched in it. And for those who are left out, we would throw additional flour on each of them.

After the water spray and water balloon fight, the score was equal and we needed a point before the guys do. We had called Mary-Ann for help on this plan. Boys being boys will never refuse food.

"When they come. They'll know we have set it. They won't come inside," Alexis voiced her concern.

"Yeah. I mean, why would they step in when they know we could be right inside after seeing their members drenched?" Brittany said, looking around. She had a point.

"Even if one or two of them are covered in flour, we still gain a point. So it's okay if the others are not covered." Gwen reassured.

"Yeah. That'll be better." I agreed with Gwen. It's okay if we don't prank all of them. Even one would gain us a point.

"Who do you think will be covered in flour?" Amber asked.

"I want Max," Alexis said, smirking.

"William." I blurted. I want it to be him. But he has never been too excited for food, so the chances of him coming are equal to zero.

"Chris." Amber continued.

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