Chapter 61

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Chapter 61



A groan left my mouth as I stirred awake on an uncomfortable bed. My head was pounding like someone had hammered it quite a few times. They felt heavy and painful. I brought my hand up to massage my head as I slowly opened my eyes only to close it again due to it being sensitive from the glares of the light.

"Ah! The sleeping beauty is awake." A loud voice said. "I was wondering when you'll wake up."

I furrowed my eyebrows and made an attempt to sit up and open my eyes. After a few fail attempts, I was finally able to open my eyes and sit straight. I realised I was sleeping on a ground as the hard surface hurt my back from laying on it.

"Don't you look grumpy?" The voice said again.

I snapped my head up in the direction of the voice and was met with an ugly looking Joseph. He supported a smirk on his face as he sat on the chair in front of me. The past event came rushing to me as I realised what had happened.

I was having lunch with Mia, Emma and Jace when I got a message from Ray asking me to meet him at the parking lot since he wanted to apologise to me for spreading those rumours. I was skeptical at first, but decided to give him the benefit of doubt and went down to the parking lot. That was my first mistake. Why would he call me to the parking lot and not somewhere like the break room or hell, where I already was? The second mistake was not to run away as soon as I saw it was Joseph and not Ray waiting for me. I have no clue on how the both of them know each other, but now it seems more sense.

The message of 'I'm coming for you' was placed by Ray and the rumours he spread was Joseph's plan too. He must have told him about our engagement and few lies along with it. Instead of running away, I went over and argued with him like an idiot, only for me to get kidnapped. I wonder if William found out that I was gone missing.

"Quit your thinking would you? I don't have all day." He snapped, stomping his foot to get my attention.

I glared at him as I stood up from the ground. "What the bloody hell do you want?"

He rolled his eyes and stood up as well. "Isn't it obvious? I want to destroy you and that little boyfriend of yours for ruining my life!"

"We did not ruin your life. It was your own doing." I spat. "If you would have just accepted the fact that I won't marry you and moved on, you wouldn't be in this place. And trust me when I tell you, my boyfriend isn't little at all."

He was breathing fire by the time I ended my mini speech. He picked up the chair and threw it on the other side, causing a loud noise to echo. That's when I realised where I was. He brought me to my old apartment. And from the looks of it, it seems as if he has been staying here.

I flinched when he threw few more things and cowered back against the wall in the fear that I would be his next punching bag. My heart leaped when he focused his attention on me. My eyes widen in fear as he stalked his way to me. He raised his arm with the intention of striking me, but someone stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Said the voice from behind Joseph.

He swiftly turned around and laughed as he saw who it was. His large body was blocking my view of the person, but the voice sounded very familiar. I side stepped from my place to look at the person and widened my eyes when my eyes meet Gwen's. She smiled at me and gave me small wave before focusing her attention on Joseph.

What the bloody hell was she doing here? Does she have any idea what he might do to her? William would lose his shit.

"What? You are going to stop me? You look like you are still in high school." Joseph said, cracking up a little as he took steps away from me and in her direction.

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