Chapter 32

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Chapter 32



"You can't do that!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Yes, I can and I will." I said, firmly. I turned around and walked back to my chair. I sat down and leaned back observing Sophia. I know she was freaking out and I knew that she would take a step like this. That's why I wasn't surprised when she handed me her resignation letter. "Do you still wish to quit?"

"You know I can't. I don't have so much money." Sophia scoffed.

"Then I think you should go back to your work." I said, dismissing her. I sat up straight and went back to the mail I was writing for the new project in Los Angeles.

"William-" Sophia began, but was cut off by a new squeaky voice.

"William, darling." A high pitch woman's voice barged into my office.

I was about to go off on the said woman for yelling in my office, but my words got stuck in my throat. I stared at the Candice who was grinning widely at me. I raised an eyebrow and stared at her in questioning. I turned my attention to Sophia who was looking at Candice with furrow eyebrows. My eyes went back to Candice who was looking at Sophia and then me. She winked my way when Sophia turned her back to Candice and looked at me in questioning.

Before I could reply, clicking of heels that belonged to Candice was echoed in the office. She came walking towards me and sat down on my lap. Candice wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheeks, smiling cheekily at me. I was surprised by her sudden action.

Before I could question her moves, she whispered lowly in her normal voice. "Don't act surprise and don't question me in front of her. Pretend that you are happy to see me."


"To make her jealous, obviously." She whispered, rolling her eyes. Sophia couldn't see nor hear us as we were whispering and Candice was slightly turned in my direction away from Sophia.

"If there is nothing else you need to talk about, Miss Bennett, then give us some privacy." I said out loud for Sophia to hear, but didn't take my eyes off Candice who was staring back at me with a smirk.

"But–" Sophia stuttered. I snapped my eyes at her and gave her a warning look. The look on her face broke my heart, but I need to be strong if I want her to accept us. Sophia didn't say anything and just left, slamming the door loudly behind her.

Candice sighed and got up from my lap and went to sit on the couch. I followed her soon and sat next to her. "Care to explain?" I asked, hinting to the scene that happened just now.

"I happen to stand outside while you were having conversation with her and heard everything. I figured she is the woman since you were all cold towards her. I decided to act like we were a thing and see if she reacts the way any jealous woman would react and to no one's surprise, she did. I could feel her anger towards me." Candice explained with a smirk.

"I didn't feel any anger radiating from her. She looked more hurt to me than angry or jealous." I stated, Sophia's hurt face imprinted in my mind.

Candice rolled her eyes. "Of course, you didn't. You're a man. A man usually doesn't see the anger and jealousy his woman is feeling. Only the other woman like myself can feel her jealousy."

"So you are saying, Sophia was jealous seeing us like this?" I asked again.

"Yes." Candice confirmed. "The slamming of the door was pretty evident too."

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