Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



Today was Saturday and I had work on Saturday's too. Apparently, Mr. Anderson liked to torture people under his control and make them stay on Saturday and work. I sighed as I continue to work. Lucky for me, Mr. Anderson was busy with all the meetings today or else he would have pestered me around the office. To be honest, there is no definite work on Saturday's, but since Mr. Anderson has no social life apart from few friends, he asks his employees to come to work and then talks to them the whole day.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" Judy, one of my colleagues asked. She was aged and still working. Upon asking her the reason, she told me she likes to work instead of sitting home. Her husband died a few years ago and their children were old enough and working. She felt her house was very lonely and she prefer to work instead of being home all alone.

"I'm doing well, Judy." I answered politely. "How are you?"

"Healthy as a horse." She answered, causing me to chuckle. I would miss her a lot if I get the new job for which I applied yesterday night.

"That's great. How is your niece? Still crying over school?" I asked, amused. Judy told me how her niece would cry and make a fuse about going to school and would come up with excuses and tries her best to avoid it.

"You bet. It is getting difficult day by day to handle her as she grows. She is a little miss drama queen." I chuckled at her complain. Even though, it exhausts her to handle her niece, the love in her eyes was visible. "Anyway, when are you leaving this company?"

I raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"

"Look, sweetie, it's not like I don't want you working here. From all those here, you are the only decent one excluding our boss. But I think there is no future for you to grow here. There are a lot of opportunities waiting for you to grab them, but you are still working here. I wish to know when will you leave?"

I smiled at her concern. "You know how it is with my family. My dad insists for me to stay here and work. He is friends with Mr. Anderson and his family."

"There is no reason for you to sacrifice your happiness for your father. If he truly loves you, he would understand it, dear." She argued back.

"I know you are correct." I paused and leaned closer towards her which caused her to lean closer in excitement. "I applied in a new company, but until and unless I don't get a job there, I'll continue here and when I do get it, I'll put in my one week notice."

Judy squeals and pulls me in a hug. I hushed her quickly as I saw few heads turn our way. Giving them an apologetic smile, I turned to Judy. "Please don't tell anyone about this."

"Of course. My lips are sealed," she said, motioning her lips sealed and throwing the key away. I smiled at her and thanked her. After that she went back to her desk and began working. The rest of the day went by uneventful. Finally it was time for me to go home.

Quickly, bidding goodbyes to Judy, I left from office. I had to meet up with Marisa at a local cafe near my apartment. I thought about changing and getting fresh before meeting, so I drove home and did the needful. By the time I was ready, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw it was Marisa calling.

"Hey, Marisa." I greeted as soon as I picked up. "I'm just on my way."

"Alright. I arrived. Come fast." She said and hung up.

Rolling my eyes at her behavior, I quickly walked to the cafe. Upon entering, the waitress asked for the table and I politely told her that I was with someone and they were waiting for me at the table. She nodded and let me pass to the booth occupied by Marisa.

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