Chapter 54

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Chapter 54



"Do you have the papers?"

"Yes. All the transfer has been done. I have Ethan and Jasper's signature. All we need is Sophia's signature and these will officially be in Sophia's name, making her the major shareholder." James said, placing the legal documents on the table.

I took hold of the papers and skimmed through it, flipping it till the last page. Satisfied with the work, I nodded at James and smiled at him in acknowledgement. "Thank you for the help."

He shrugged. "That's what I'm here for."

He left soon enough after that. I sighed and leaned back on my chair, resting my eyes for a while. Memories of what happened on Sunday flashes through my mind, making me smile. As promised, I had spent my evening with Sophia and I could easily say it was one of the best days. Spending time with Sophia always brings a sense of happiness within me making me lose all my worries.

Shaking my thoughts away, I picked the phone placed on the table and called Sophia inside as I was already missing her and also because I wanted to talk to her. I had to tell her what was happening since her relation with her family was worsening and it would get more messy once they figure out that I bought the shares of Anderson Company through various different names and became the major shareholder of their company which will soon be transferred to Sophia as soon as she signs the papers.

From the time at the Ball where Joseph tried to hurt Sophia, I had made up my mind that I will destroy him. I had warned him the very first time he called me that I would destroy him. He made a mistake of hurting Sophia and he has to pay for it. Jasper and Ethan have been trying to persuade the previous shareholders of Anderson Company to sell their shares to them so that eventually they could transfer it to Sophia. She would have the control over his company.

While I was going through with this plan, I had called a personal investigator to investigate Joseph's Company. I found a shocking news relating to that Company and I know when the time comes, I have to reveal it all to Sophia and her family. But until then, it was Sophia who will have the control.

"William?" A voice snapped me out of my thought; a hand waving in front of me. "Are you alright?"

I blinked a couple of times before nodding at Sophia who was giving me bewildered look. I stood up from my chair to round the table and stand next to Sophia. I pushed her down on the chair that was placed in front of the table and brought over the documents in front of her.

She gave me a confused look before going over the documents. Her face commuted to a shock one as she rapidly flipped the pages. "What is this?"

"I brought the shares from Anderson Company." I stated.

"Why?" She asked in panic, still going over the documents. "Is that why he was angry at me?"

"Probably." I said, cautiously.

"My family–"

"I don't think they know about it yet. I figured I'll tell you before they figure it out and give you an ambush call." I cut her, quickly. When she didn't respond, a slight pang of worry grew inside me. "Are you angry?"

She shook her head slowly. "I'm not angry. I'm just... I don't really know what to think."

I nodded in understanding. "I brought these shares for you. I had to get back at him for hurting you multiple times, but at the same time, I did not want to take that chance away from you so I brought the shares and transferred it to you so you get to decide how to punish him. He did you wrong so the power lies with you. You can give him the shares back or you can keep it with you. Personally, I would suggest keeping it with you until you find out the real truth."

William Wilson ✓Where stories live. Discover now