Chapter 8

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Chapter 8




"What?" I asked in irritation.

Gwen gave me a look and rolled her eyes. "I didn't think anyone had the guts to stand up to you."

"Nobody does," I said, a little offended.

"Oh, I beg to differ. This woman clearly did." Gwen smirked at me. "I mean, she didn't know who you were. And left you speechless, came back and apologised. You don't find that kind of people these days."

I rolled my eyes at the glee expression that took over my now annoying sister. I chuckled darkly. "It doesn't matter anyway."

The smile fell off her face which tugged at my heart. "Will, I am so sorry. I know you changed because of me. I didn't know I affected you this much."

"Hey, hey." I muttered softly, pulling her into me. "This is not your fault. You were just a small kid. It was my duty to protect you."

"And you did protect me. You did your best. What happened there was not your fault and neither mine. It was their fault. So, you have to promise me that you will not blame yourself anymore. And don't close your heart to love, Will." She explained, taking my face in her hand.

"I promise." I lied.

I couldn't promise her what she was asking me to. What happened to her was my fault and will always be my fault.

"Now about this girl," she began, grinning at me. "Is she pretty?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I did not give her the job because she is pretty."

"I never said you did," she teased.

"Yes, she is." I muttered and lightly shoved her as she laughed. "Don't mention this to anyone." I warned her.

"Yeah, yeah." She waved her hand around. "I know if I tell Nate or Ethan, they won't let you live it down."

"I know." I clenched my jaws as I thought that not today but after a week they are going to find out when they see her. They will stop at nothing to tease me.

"So maybe it's best if you tell them." Gwen suggested.

"But you know how much they would tease me. It gets on my nerve." I said, angrily.

"Yes, but all they want is best for you. I know Ethan goes a little too much, but you have to understand, he cares about you. He saw how much you changed," Gwen reasoned. She took my head in her hand and stared into my eyes. "He was with you when you found me."

I frowned at that. Gwen was telling the truth. Ethan was with me when we found her. I never for a second waited to see how much it affected him. Now that I realised, he always jokes around, but there is always a hint of sadness in his eyes. I covered it up with my anger and he covered it up with his jokes. How did I never see it?

Gwen smiled at me, but it was a sad one. "Now you realise. He is taking care of you in a different way. You should do that too. He means well after all. Goes a little overboard-"

"A little?" I teased, smiling.

"Okay maybe more than little," she said, rolling her eyes but a hint of smile never leaving her face. "He is our brother."

"Fine, fine, Miss-I-Know-It-All," I said sarcastically which earned me a punch in arm. "I'll tell him and Nate too."

"Might as well announce it." She smirked.

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