(33) Demon Killing for Dummies

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Chapter 33 (I think? :))

I was sitting in a small cafe in the middle of Dowsburgh with an empty mug of coffee in front of me and a spread of sheets around me, gazing out at the pouring rain. Our printer had broken at home, so I’d caught the bus into town to use the one at the public library, so I could finish a particularly nasty biology essay that needed to be in for Monday. But of course, just my luck, I got caught in a thunderstorm waiting for the bus, and so rather stand around another half an hour and risk spoiling my homework, I’d headed to the cafe nearby to get some shelter and watch for the bus to arrive. I’d been waiting for the past twenty minutes for the solid sheets of driving rain to cool off, but without much luck. And apparently the roads were blocked too, so the chances of the bus arriving anytime soon were pretty slim.

Stupid British weather.

I sighed and gazed at the swirling dregs of coffee still circling the inside my cup. Watching it whirl like that made me think of Old Maria, swilling tea leaves round my teacup, predicting my future.

You will find love in the near future...

I smiled to myself at the thought of Daniel, and that’s when the idea popped into my head.

Daniel? You there? I called out to my thoughts.

Hey, babe.  Daniel sounded casual and happy, and I could picture him working on his car in the garage, safely cocooned in warmth while rain gushed down outside. What’s up?

I’m stuck in a cafe in Dowsburgh, waiting for the rain to cool off, I said.

Hate to break it to you, but you might be there a while.

I know. Which is why I was wondering if you could somehow come pick me up.

Aren’t the roads blocked?

I rolled my eyes. Daniel, you’re a demon with freaking super-powers. Couldn’t you stop the rain?

Too big for me to do something like that.

You can start torrential downpours just fine.

Starting them is one thing. Daniel chuckled. Stopping them is another.

Hm. Could you create a magic teleport to take me home or something?

Might be slightly obvious. I could hear laughter in Daniel’s tone. I think I have a better idea.

Pray tell, o wise one.

He sniggered. You’ll have to wait and see. I’ll be there in five minutes, I promise.

Okay-dokey. I mentally hung up on our mind link, which basically meant I stopped talking and waited to see if he’d reply.

Five minutes. That was a long time when you had nothing to do. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, and as I did I felt something dig into my pocket. Old Maria’s knife. The silver hilt was poking out the pocket of my jeans, catching the dull cafe lights and glinting softly. I didn’t carry it around much, as Old Maria had ordered, but since the ordeal with Jason, it seemed like a wise idea to keep it with me while I was out in town. Right now, it was propped in between the leaf-thin pages of Alexis Cooper’s diary, holding my spot.

The diary. Well, I might as well pass the time.

September 10th

Oh, how glad I am! Leopold has not been imprisoned! I am not sure how it has happened, but his family must have persuaded the police to let him go. I should not be so happy, I know, as Leopold is a danger to myself and others, but I am so relieved that I shall be able to see him again, that he will not be killed for the murder of a guilty man. We have arranged to meet next week, and I cannot wait.

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