(22) Black Roses

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Dedicated to xxxCherryxxx cos I read your comment and we have the SAME EYES O.o xD

Chapter 22

On Saturday morning, when I turned up at Old Maria’s, she didn’t seem surprised to see me. Not that she ever was, I guess, but hey, she was a fortune teller.

“Good morning, Alexis” she said as she opened the door, smiling. “Come in.”

“Thanks.” I followed her into the kitchen, where she seemed to be making lunch. The room smelt of mince, and something was bubbling warmly on the stove (and it wasn’t her creepy age potion). “What’re you making?”

“Shepherd’s pie. It be nearly ready. Would you like some?” 

“Um...” It did look- and smell- pretty good. “Is that okay?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have offered if it wasn’t.” She sat down opposite me. “Now, why did you want to see me?”

I smiled mischievously, tapping my head. “Shouldn’t you know?”

Old Maria let out one of her booming laughs. “I try not to be nosy as a Seer.”

“That’s very considerate.” I leaned forward, propping my chin in my hands. “I guess you heard about yesterday.”

Old Maria’s eyes were grave. “Oh, yes. Unchanged Demons can be just as dangerous as Changed ones. That’s why it’s best to keep a distance.”

I ignored the double-meaning in her words. “Matt doesn’t know I know.”

Old Maria contemplated that. “Maybe it’s for the best, for now at least.”

“He keeps lying to cover up for it. I know he’s just trying to protect me, but...”

“It hurts all the same,” Old Maria agreed sympathetically.

“Yeah. I saw you go past the house yesterday, just after Matt had answered the door. Why did you come round?”

Old Maria smiled. “I thought you saw me.” Well, obviously, I thought, seeing as you turned and looked me in the eye. She reached under the table, and suddenly withdrew a huge wicker basket, packed full of those velvety black roses. “I gave your brother one of these.”

“Um... why?” Then it hit me. “Oh, wait. Roses. They burn Demons, don’t they?” I played with the enamel roses on my bracelet.

Old Maria smiled. “Red ones do.”

“Just the red ones?” I asked in surprise. “What do black ones do?”

Old Maria leaned forward, her voice hushed, like she was sharing a sacred secret. Which I guess she kinda was. “They keep Demons away.”

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