(39) End of the World and Back

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Chapter 39

I woke up with a head like a blizzard the next morning, and I'm not just referring to my hair, which my pillow had kindly styled for me during the night. Matt seemed to sense I was a bit frazzled and came upstairs to wake me with a plate of hot toast and butter.

"Hey," he greeted me. "Nice hair."

"Shut up." I took the plate. "Thanks."

I hungrily wolfed down the butter-soaked toast, and Matt watched me. When he spoke, his voice was slightly cooler.

"So. Is Daniel picking you up today?" he asked. He said the word 'Daniel' like it was acid, but it made the pterodactyls in my stomach perk up and circle excitedly.

"Um... yeah, I think so." I pushed back the bed covers. "I'll be in the shower."

"Huh." Matt left the room.

Twenty minutes later, dressed but with the ends of my hair still spiky with water, I saw Daniels black BMW pull up in the drive way. I could see him in the front seat from my window; he was gazing pensively out at next door's house, his mind clearly on other things. My heart leapt a little bit.

"See you later," I called to Matt, yanking open the door. I heard his mumbled reply as the door slammed shut.

Daniel looked round as I opened the door, and smiled like a five year old on Christmas day. "Hey."

"Don't sound so surprised to see me," I said, sliding into the front seat. "You're the one who pulled up in my drive."

Daniel grinned and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. "Yeah, but I missed you."

I had a feeling he wasn't just talking about the 12 hours we'd been apart. "I missed you too."

He slipped a hand round my neck and pulled me close to kiss me. I couldn't resist a smile at the tiny shiver that rippled down my spine.

Daniel leaned back slowly. "It feels so good to have you back."

"I know." I rested my head against his, eyes closed to lock in the moment. We were quiet for a bit.

"It was horrible, y'know," Daniel said, his voice quiet and low. "Having to pretend everything was okay without you. I was such an idiot."

"Newsflash." I opened my eyes and smiled at him. "You still are such an idiot."

Daniel smiled. "Oh yeah? And why's that?"

"Because you've been sitting in my driveway for ten minutes and now we're late for school."

"Oh." Daniel pulled back and I laughed, but leant my head against his shoulder as he started the engine. "God. School seems like such a waste."

"You say that now, but in ten years time when you're still working in Burger King, you'll be sorry." I couldn't stop smiling; it felt like a tiny sun had been installed in my chest, emitting warmth and light to every part of my body. It was so good to have Daniel again.

Daniel scoffed. "Me, in Burger King? No way. I'll be fixing cars or something just as glamorous."

I bit back a smile. "And what will I be doing?"

Daniel grinned at me. "You can have Burger King."

I slapped his arm, but both of us were laughing; and then he held my face in his hand and kissed my mouth. The car swerved slightly, and someone beeped behind us.

I drew back, grinning, brimming over with happiness. "Eyes on the road, Black."

"Yes ma'am." But he kept his eyes locked on mine. The vivid blue looked softer, warmer, like a summer sky. "I can't believe I let you go."

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