(30) Not-So-Normal First Date

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A/N: Song: Fearless, by Taylor Swift. It fits the chapter- you’ll see ;) A/N

Chapter 30

The week blurred by. Victor stayed away – wise choice –  and Travis came back, a little more sullen, maybe, but still Travis. He brightened when I decided to become his personal slave for the week, which basically involved me following him to his lessons like he usually did for me. Not very helpful, but hey, at least I tried.

On Saturday, I had my date with Daniel. It still seemed crazy that I was actually going out with the hottest guy in Bridgewood. Or maybe in England. Hell, probably in the world. He was definitely the hottest guy I’d ever seen.

Matt wasn’t exactly pleased when I told him about my plans, but he grudgingly agreed to let me go; not that he could’ve stopped me anyway.

“Where’re you going, anyway?” he asked darkly.

“He’s taking me to Hell, to visit the Devil, his uncle.”

Matt glowered at me. “Not funny, Alexis.”

“‘Not funny, Alexis,’” I mimicked. “He’s taking me to Dowsburgh. No biggie.”

“Dowsburgh?” Matt arched a pale brow. “Classy, much?”

“Matt, nowhere is classy around here.”

He actually chuckled at that. “True, I guess.”

My stomach was bubbling with a mix of excitement and nerves as I waited by the door for Daniel to arrive, jiggling my foot in anticipation. I was actually wearing a skirt – something Rose would be very proud of – and a colourful sleeveless shirt. The sky seemed to be boiling with grey clouds, some tinted with black, so I’d put on thick tights under my skirt, and sturdy converse. My jacket was pretty flimsy; I was secretly hoping that, if it did rain, Daniel would offer me his jacket again. I allowed the thought of Daniel with rain-dampened hair and water sticking his shirt to his body to cloud my mind for a little while.

The doorbell rang, and I jumped up and tore it open. Daniel blinked at my sudden appearance.

“Whoa. Where’s the fire?” He grinned at me. “You’d think a hot guy was coming to take you on a date or something.”

“Anyone ever told you arrogance is an unattractive trait?” I told him, grinning back.

“Only ugly people.” He held out a hand. “Your carriage awaits.”

I smiled as I slipped my hand into his. “Oh, shush. Anyone would think you were taking a hot girl on a date.” I turned and called over my shoulder. “Matt! I’m going!”

“See you later,” he called from the kitchen. I shut the door and smiled up at Daniel.

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