(25) Crashing a party!!!

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Chapter 25

For some reason I was stupidly giggly as Daniel and I headed for the hall where the dance was being held. “This is really dumb.”

“I know.” Daniel took my arm when he noticed my pace was slowing and dragged me forward. “Come on.

I held back more giggles. “We don’t have tickets. We’ll have to break in or something.”

Daniel shot me a grin. “Exactly.”

The giggles broke free, and I allowed him to tow me towards the building. We’d had to walk quite far to get here, but it had been a nice walk, and we’d chatted the whole time. There hadn’t been many cars, so the night was peacefully calm and still. Even the air had been still and cool.

Lights and music glowed from the hall windows. Outside the doors, I could just make out two men standing hunched on the doorstep like bouncers, guarding the doors to make sure people without invites didn’t try to get in. Basically, people like me and Daniel.

I tugged his sleeve. “Daniel. What’re we gonna do about them?”

Daniel looked at me like it was obvious. “What’re windows for?”

I laughed, and then hastily stifled it as one of the ‘bouncers’ glanced casually in our direction.

We stuck to the shadows as we headed towards the tall, towering windows. Daniel shot me another grin from under it. “Ready to cause some havoc?”

“Always am,” I replied. Daniel reached up and easily unlocked the window. It swung open, and music spilled into the night. He gestured for me to go up. “Ladies first.”

“I’m not sure I’m tall enough.” I reached for the window- and shrieked in surprise as suddenly I was lifted into the air and onto the window sill.

“You’re really light,” Daniel informed me casually, letting go of my legs and leaving me sitting on the window sill, staring at him like an idiot. I could feel heat filling my cheeks.

“Could you warn me next time you do that?” I asked weakly. I glanced behind me; apparently no one had noticed a random shrieking girl had just appeared on the window sill. “Here we go.” I swivelled round and slipped onto the floor. Easy.

I turned to the window. “Coming?”

Daniel backed up, preparing to take a run up, when suddenly, someone yelled, “hey!”

“Run,” I advised, backing up from the window to give him space. Daniel darted forward and easily vaulted over the window.

“I think the guys at the door heard you screaming,” he told me.

“These guys didn’t notice.” I gestured to the clusters of dancers, who still hadn’t realised we were there. I guess it was pretty busy.

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