(17) Supernatural

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A/N: Bandia: Thank you for all your awesome comments so far on this story! Your support means so much! A/N

Chapter 17

“You okay?” Travis asked, chewing on the straw of his milkshake. “You seem kind of down.”

“Hmm?” I glanced up at him, feeling the icy coldness of the milkshake I was holding numb my fingers. “Oh no, I’m fine. Just thinking.”

It was true. My mind was still on yesterday, when I’d found the picture of Alexis Cooper. Old Maria had found me in the kitchen.

“I see you found her,” she’d said, nodding at the picture of Alexis.

“Oh- sorry, I, um, didn’t mean to pry-”

“Think nothing of it. I be knowing you’d come in here.” Old Maria had waved away my words like a cloud of midges. “That be Alexis Cooper.”

“I know. Do you know what Alexis’... job was?”

Old Maria had studied me for a long time with those beady black eyes. “You’ve found the diaries.”

I’d nodded. “How do you know about them?”

“Oh, trust me, lots of people know about the diaries. They be famous, they are.”

I didn’t ask how. “Are they... true?”

At that, Old Maria had let out a booming laugh. “They’re diaries, aren’t they? Ain’t nothing more truthful than diaries.”

I snapped back to myself as I realised Travis was talking.

“-so what do you think?” He smiled at me expectantly.

“Um, huh? What?” I smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I kind of zoned out.”

Travis rolled his eyes. “What’s got your head in the clouds, daydreamer?”

“Um...” I hesitated before taking the plunge. “Have you heard of someone called Alexis Cooper?”

He wrinkled his nose. “Who?”

“Alexis Cooper. I was just wondering if you recognised the name, maybe. From a book or something...?”

Travis laughed. “You know me and books don’t really get along.”

“Yeah, true that.” I smiled to cover my disappointment. I’d really been hoping to find out more about her, and why the diaries were famous; all I’d managed to get out of Old Maria was that she had known Alexis personally.

“But- that’s impossible-” I’d spluttered. “You’d have to be over one hundred years old-”

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