(10) After My Blood

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Chapter 10

“What the hell is this?” I asked, flopping down in the chair next to Travis and glaring at my food. “It looks like cat sick.”

Travis leaned forward to study it. “Smells like it, too.”

I stared at it gloomily. “I’m sure casserole isn’t supposed to look like that.”

“It’s not,” Travis said cheerfully, “but that one does.”

“Urgh.” I pushed the plate away from me. “What did you get?”

He shrugged. “Bread rolls.”

“Can I have one?”

“Help yourself.”

“Thanks.” I grabbed one and bit into it hungrily. It was still warm.

“Where’s Rose?” Travis asked.

“Talking to her friends,” I informed him. “No offense to you, but we don’t exactly fit in her clique.”

“I noticed.” He sighed dramatically. “We’re just too cool for them.”

I laughed. “Definitely.” Then I spotted who was coming in the lunch hall. “Crap!” I dived under the table.

Travis ducked his head under to stare at me in confusion. His bright red hair flopped forward, giving him the impression that his head had been set on fire, and then electrocuted. “Alexis? Uh... what’re you doing?”

“Hiding,” I hissed. “Can he see me?”

“Can who see you?”

“Drake, of course!”

“Oh!” Travis looked up. I squinted at the lunch queue where Drake was standing, his chlorine coloured eyes hard as they swept the room. I shivered. It wasn’t that I couldn’t take him on- I so could- I just didn’t feel up for the confrontation today. He’d promised me hell, and I had no reason not to believe him.

“Nah, he can’t see you. Are you gonna come up now?”

“No!” I hissed. “He’ll see me! I’ll wait until he’s finished his lunch.”

“But he’s only just started...”

“I don’t care!”

“Fine. We’ll wait here.” Travis leant back in his chair with a sigh. “Great. I’m gonna look like a right loner, sitting here on my own...”

“Don’t worry. I’ll tie your shoelaces together so you don’t get bored.”

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