(37) Love How It Hurts

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Chapter 37

“Alexis!” I heard the thumping of Matt’s fist on my bedroom door, drawing me out of the heavy blankets of sleep. “Alexis, school starts in ten! Get your lazy ass up!”

I sat up, pushing the covers off me groggily. I felt utterly hideous; I could tell my face was red and puffy from tears, and my eyes were swollen and laced with red veins. And, to cap it all off, my break up with Daniel all came swimming up to crash over my head in a tidal wave of agony. Just how I love to wake up on a Thursday morning.

I got out of bed and stumbled to the shower, despite Matt’s ten minute warning. I needed to rinse off the tears and refresh my heavy, wrung-out heart, even though the thought of going to school made it sink to the ground. I had a feeling that if I as much as caught sight of Daniel, I’d burst into tears again, like a pathetic, wimpy teenager. Reality check – you are a pathetic, wimpy teenager.

I felt marginally better after I stepped out my shower, but I was running late as I hastily dried off and shoved on my clothes. Matt handed me a piece of toast as we ran to the car.

“Got all your stuff?”

I held up my school bag and nodded sombrely. Matt noticed my bleak look.

“Hey, chin up, kiddo. You’ll be fine.” He started the engine and shot off down the road.

Random thoughts floated through my mind as we hurtled down the streets, each one causing a dull throb of pain to twist my heart. Daniel was supposed to be taking me to school today... he should’ve been talking to me through our mind link... he should’ve been teaching me to drive after school...

As I reached school, I noticed the parking lot was empty, apart from two figures hurrying to class – Rose and Daniel. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Have a good day,” Matt called out absently, throwing the car into gear as soon as I was out the passenger seat. I kept my head down as I headed toward the classrooms, knowing as long as they didn’t turn around, they wouldn’t see me.

Another person was waiting at the end of the parking lot; Travis. He smiled brightly when he saw me. “Hey, Alexis! Jesus, why were you so late? I’ve been waiting here for ages for you to turn up, and your house is five minutes away...” He fell into step with me, not noticing that I wasn’t really in the mood to talk. When he noticed Rose and Daniel up ahead, he nodded in their direction. “Want to go ahead and catch up?”

I shook my head. “I’m okay.”

Travis glanced at me, a frown puckering between his eyebrows, and then shrugged. “Yeah, whatever.”

Daniel and Rose had reached the doors; Daniel pulled them open and turned to hold them for Rose – and his eyes locked with mine.

I nearly stopped walking, but I forced my legs to keep moving. I swallowed and tried to smile, but it wobbled right off my face. Daniel’s face remained cool and blank; his eyes betrayed no emotion. It was like he didn’t know who I was. Rose turned to see who he was looking at, and when she saw us, her eyes grew large. Daniel disappeared through the doors, but Rose hesitated, glancing between her friends and her brother. I sent her a pleading look with my eyes, but after shooting me a quick apologetic glance, she hurried after Daniel.

“Huh. Is it just me or was that really weird?” Travis frowned in Rose and Daniel’s direction.

I figured I might as well tell him. Word would probably get round anyway, and besides, he was my best friend. He wouldn’t spread gossip if I asked him not to. “Daniel and I broke up.”

“You broke up?” Travis turned to stare at me. “What happened?”

I shrugged, as if it didn’t matter, like my heart didn’t ache with every beat. “We had an argument, and then he broke it off.”

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