(4) A tour on a skateboard

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Chapter 4

I didn’t get to sleep for several reasons. The first was because the rain kept hammering against the window like impatient fingers drumming against the glass. In Canada, it snows a lot, but the snow falls softly, like a cats footsteps. The second reason was because the time difference was five hours. By the time it was ten thirty in Canada, my normal bed time, it was 3: 30 am in England. That meant that by the time it was 3 am, I was singing Eminem’s song for half an hour straight, which can tend to give you a pretty bad headache after the first few recitals of it.

And the third reason was because Daniel’s face kept swimming on the surface of my mind.

There was just something about him. It wasn’t just his looks (though admittedly, and thoroughly annoyingly, he was super hot, and that’s coming from me); it was the air around him. Something about him was different. The way he’d come with all his friends. The way he was going to ‘become one of them’ when he was 18. What the hell had that been about? I decided I would ask Matt about it in the morning. And I would try to see Daniel as much as possible.

Relieved, though not entirely content, I fell at last into a fitful sleep.


When I woke up, groggy and tired, I rolled over, and blinked at my surroundings in confusion. Where was I? Then I remembered with a jolt that I had moved house to a soggy country where a hot boy had entranced me.

Insert four letter word here.

I glanced at the clock, and started when I saw it read 2 ‘o’ clock. I bolted out of bed, and then stumbled from the head rush. I really needed to adjust to all this...

Stumbling downstairs, Matt greeted me with raised eyebrows.

“’Afternoon, Alexis. Nice pyjamas.”

I sat down at the table in my red and purple spotted pyjamas, rubbing my eyes. “Thank you. What’s for breakfast?”

“I can’t believe you didn’t react to sarcasm.” Matt muttered, and then spoke up. “You mean, what’s for lunch? Sandwiches.”

“Well thanks for the celebration feast.” I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, I’m so glad my coming to stay here meant so much.”

Matt snorted. “Well, at least I know you’re awake now.”

He placed a chicken sandwich in front of me, and as I chewed, I recalled what I’d heard last night. “Matt... Why did Daniel come last night?”

Matt shrugged. “I guess he wanted to meet you.”

Ignoring the warm buzz that filled my body at the pleasant thought, I frowned. “What did that guy mean when he said Daniel was going to ‘become one of them’ on his 18th birthday?”

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