(19) Our Own Special Place

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Chapter 19 (I’m guessing)

“Hey!” Travis protested, as I pulled an apple out the pocket of his bag and took a huge bite of it. “That’s my breakfast!”

“Sorry.” I swallowed my mouthful after barely chewing it. “My need is greater than yours.”

After I’d got home last night, I’d told Matt I wasn’t hungry (not a lie; my stomach was swirling with nausea) and escaped to my bed. I’d woken up too late to have breakfast, and so, unfortunately for Travis, I was eating the first edible piece of food I could find.

It was first period, or just before it. Travis was hovering outside my Chemistry classroom, even though his first lesson was Physics.

“I didn’t have any breakfast,” Travis said sadly. I felt a flash of guilt.

“Sorry. Neither did I.” Or dinner, but I decided not to mention that. “And I had to run to school because Matt couldn’t be bothered to drive me in.” I hadn’t actually seen him all morning. I still needed to talk to him about the whole Nighthunter thing... but if I was honest, the idea of it absolutely terrified me.

“No worries.” Travis, ever-forgiving as always, reached into his bag and popped open a bag of crisps. “Want one?”

“Thanks.” I took one of the chips out of the offered packet.

“Hey guys!” Rose appeared behind me so suddenly that I started and almost dropped my crisp.

“Jesus, don’t do that.” I munched down my crisp before it could come to any more harm.

“Hi, Rose.” Travis offered her the bag, but she shook her head.

“No thanks, I’ve just eaten.” She nudged my arm. “Alexis, can I talk to you?”

“Uh-” She gave me big, pleading eyes and pursed her lips, the universal sign for Just say yes “Yeah, course.” The bell let out its usual shriek, and students filed into the classroom. “See you later, Travis.”

Travis stuffed his crisp packet in the pocket of his bag. “Have fun blowing stuff up. See you in biology.” He melted into the seething mass of students suddenly desperate to get to first period.

Rose grabbed my arm and steered me to the back of the classroom. “Have you heard about the dance?”

“The what?Please, no. Please, please no.

“The dance next weekend!” Rose squealed excitedly. “Have you heard about it?”

“Until now, no.” I resisted the urge to groan and bang my head several times against the lab table. “Is this a school thing?”

“No way, Bridgewood never does stuff like that.” Oh, thank God. “It’s an out-of-town one. You coming?”

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