(26) Six Feet Under The Stars

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Chapter 26 :) :) :) :) :)

A/N: I LIKE THIS ONE!!! ;D Song: Six Feet Under The Stars, by All Time Low. Amazing band, amazing song. A/N

Alexis. Alexis.

The gentle, familiar voice broke through the layers of dreams and into my sub-conscience. I tried to shut it out, but it stayed there, nudging me gently but persistently.

Alexis. Alexis. Alexis.

“Go away,” I mumbled, resurfacing through my dreams, which had something to do with being presented with a life-times supply worth of Oreos, and turned my head into the pillows. “I’m sleeping.”

Alexis. Please wake up.

I hadn’t been sleeping well for the past week or two. I’d tried telling myself that maybe I was just becoming an Insomniac, but I knew it was something to do with the thought of Daniel that made me feel as if I was being charged with tingles of electricity. I usually didn’t fall asleep until late into the night.

And now he was trying to wake me up early, too. Well, no way.

I sat up, too bleary to concentrate on sending a mind message so just speaking a loud, trusting he’d pick it up. “Daniel, I’m really tired. It’s Saturday morning. I always lie in on Saturday’s.”

I know. I’m sorry. Daniel’s voice was quiet, broken, almost. It suddenly occurred to me that there had to be something wrong. I wouldn’t have woken you up if I didn’t have to.

That snapped me out of my bleary sleepiness pretty sharp. Is something wrong?

Yes. No. Sort of.

Even if his voice hadn’t been so scared and hopeless, I would’ve come. Daniel was always sure of himself, and if he needed me, nothing could stop me from getting to him.

I pushed myself out of bed. Okay. I’m changing, and then I’m coming. Where are you?

Outside your house.

Of course he was. Because people always turn up outside people’s houses at the crack of dawn.

I changed quickly into black skinny jeans, a navy blue tank top and a soft, oversized grey hoodie before shoving on some purple converse sneakers, yanking a brush through my hair as I did. When I went to briefly splash my face with cold water in the kitchen, I noticed that the clock read ten past six. Jeez, I hadn’t gotten up this early on a Saturday since I was about five.

I grabbed my phone and slipped outside into the cool air. The sun was an orange glow on the horizon, touching everything with a burnished gold light like brass as it began to steal slowly into the sky, flooding the pale grey morning with colour.

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