(28) Called it!

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Chapter 28

“Alexis?” Savannah’s voice was groggy down the phone. “It’s half seven in the morning here.”

“Sorry.” I jiggled my foot impatiently as I perched on the end of the bed. “I had to tell someone, and Travis keeps forgetting to charge his phone, and Rose is Daniel’s sister, so-”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Backtrack at bit.” I’d perked Savannah’s interest. “What did you have to tell someone?”

“Daniel’s my boyfriend!” The words burst out of me like a flood. “I can’t believe it! I’ve been in love with him for, like, ages, and then he kissed me and asked me to be his girlfriend and told me I was the most important-”

“No way!” Savannah squealed. “Finally! It was about time you got a boyfriend. Aw, I’m really happy for you, Lex.”

“Thanks.” I flopped back down on my bed, an endless smile curling across my face. “Wow, I’m so happy. Can you believe it?”

“Course I can. It was just a matter of time.” Savannah’s tone was smug with certainty. “I so called it. Congrats, Lex!”

“How’s it going with that guy you like? Mike, right?” I rolled over onto my stomach, toying with a strand of loose blond hair. It really needed a trim.

Savannah sighed. I could hear the smile shining like the sun in her voice as she spoke. “Dreamy. You don’t tell someone they’re beautiful everyday if you don’t like them as more than a friend, do you?”

“Not that I recall. I really hope he asks you out, Sav. Hey, then we could double date!”

Savannah giggled. “Yeah, from the other side of the world.”

Suddenly, the door slammed shut. “Alexis! I want a word.” Matt’s voice was cold and hard like a sheet of ice.

My happy mood dipped slightly. “Um, I have to go.”

“You woke me up at half seven in the morning for a ten minute chat?” Savannah pretended to sound disgusted, but laughter coloured her tone. “Thanks for that.”

“Sorry about that. At least you can daydream about Mike now.” I pretended to wince as Savannah hit the phone.”Hey, no violence! I’ll call you back later.”

“Yeah, try and keep it to a time when the sun is actually up. Later, hon.” She hung up.

“Alexis Rivera!” Matt’s voice was so cold the air was practically frosting over with ice. “Get down here right now!”

Oh, boy. If there was one thing Matt hated, it was me lying to him. I was going to be lucky to survive this. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

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