37-You're on Fire

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The Flash Season 2 x 18

Katrina and Barry stand out in field outside of Keystone city, they both place the tachyon enhancement on their suits, and they can feel the energy right away. "Ohh, yeah, I feel that" Barry remarks.

"That is the tachyon device powering up the Speed Force in your cells like a quick-change battery. How do you two feel?" Caitlin asks them.
"Different" Barry replies.

"Much, more than different more energized" Katrina replies.
"Let's see how long it takes for you to get back here, on my count, three, two one, go!"  Cisco tells them and they start to take off. They can feel the energy pulsing through their bodies, and they are loving it as they run back toward Central City.

"Guys, I think we can go even faster" Katrina says.
"Do it" Cisco says to them, and they do so, as they get back to Central City suddenly a breach appears and the two of them run through it.

Supergirl Season 1 x 18

Katrina and Barry run through the breach that formed in front of them and race off finding themselves in a city. Katrina and Barry, then see a woman falling from a nearby building, and they both race up the building and Barry catches her, and they both race off to the middle of nowhere. Barry and Katrina come to a stop, as he puts the woman down, "You're on fire!" Barry says to her as he starts to help put her out he stops realizing how inappropriate that would be.

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Suddenly the woman starts putting the flames out herself with her hands and they both look at her in surprise, "You don't seem that bothered, by the fact that you're on fire" Barry says to her

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Suddenly the woman starts putting the flames out herself with her hands and they both look at her in surprise, "You don't seem that bothered, by the fact that you're on fire" Barry says to her.
"I didn't need you to save me" she tells him.

Barry and Katrina both laugh at this, "Umm if you didn't notice you just fell from a skyscraper, pretty sure if he hadn't caught you, you probably would have gone splat on the concrete" Katrina says to her.
"I have to get back to the city" the woman says to them as she then takes off flying into the sky.

"What the...?" Katrina says as the woman changes throwing her clothes back down at Barry and Katrina.
"I thought we were the impossible" Barry says as the two of them take off running again. The woman sees them, and confused by what she was seeing she lands in front of them making them come to a stop.

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