47- Overconfident

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Season 2 x 22

Barry and Katrina run through the city, bringing down the meta's that Zoom had brought over that were destroying the city. Finally, back at STAR Labs, they change into their normal clothing as they walk off the elevator with Iris, "We usually take these guys down one at a time not 100 at a time" Barry says.

"Yeah, but you don't seem as overwhelmed as I am" Katrina says to him.
"I know we can do it" Barry says as he takes her hand in his and smiles at her.

Cisco then comes running up to the three of them, "Guys, you have to come see this" he says as he starts to jog away. Barry and Katrina let their hands go and they along with Iris follow Cisco jogging into the cortex.

"Cisco, what are you.... Caitlin?" Barry says as they are surprised at seeing Caitlin sitting in the room.
"She's in shock. A little dehydrated and malnourished, but I think she'll be fine" Henry tells them.

"I'm okay" Caitlin says looking at Barry and Katrina.
"What...what happened Cait, how did, I mean how were you able to get away?" Katrina asks her.
Her voice shakes, "he let me go" she tells her. "I didn't think he would, I thought it was a trap. But he told me you two were dead" she says looking at them.

"We're not, we are right here" Barry says as he places a hand on Katrina's shoulder. "We're all here, together" he says.
"Snow, Jay's not here. You're safe" Harry tells her.
She shakes her head, "He's gonna overrun this city, you can't stop him" she says looking at Barry.

"Yes, we can. Listen to me, he's not going to succeed. We've got this. This is our Earth" he tells her.
"You don't know that, You don't know what he is capable of" Caitlin says to him.
"I know from being in the Speed Force that the universe is with us, not Zoom. And if the Universe is with us, how could we possible lose? Right, guys?" Barry says looking at the others.

"Yeah, yeah, right" Jesse says.
"You've been through a lot. You should get some rest, come on" Barry says to Caitlin as he helps her get up.
"You were in the Speed Force?" Caitlin asks him.
"Kat and I... when you were gone, it's hard to explain. But we tried to get our powers back, and the dark matter lightning I was inside..." Barry goes on to tell Caitlin as he takes her to the infirmary.

The group watched Barry leave with Caitlin, "Okay, I'm gonna say it. Um, we don't think he's just being a little too -?" Cisco says.
"Overconfident?" Katrina says to him.
"Yeah" Cisco says to her.

"Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force. I mean, he's acting like he's invincible now or something" Iris says.
"Yeah, like nothing fazes him anymore, which isn't-"Henry says.
"Realistic, no" Harry then says. "Somebody needs to talk to him before letting his guard down gets him hurt, or worse" Harry goes on to say.

"I mean, he did bring me out of my coma. That's bound to make someone a little overly chipper" Jesse says.
"I helped do that too, and I was in the Speed Force with Barry, you guys don't know what he had to go through in there" Katrina says to them all.

"Yeah but you're not going around thinking you are on top of the world or invincible" Iris says to her.
"Because I have always had a clear mind about all this. I mean, I was told that I could leave the Speed Force at anytime, and come back to you guys but Barry was tested in there" Katrina tells them all.
"Well, like I said, somebody needs to talk to him" Harry says.

Katrina joins Barry as they watch over Caitlin, "Hey" he says looking at Katrina.
"Hey" she says as she then wraps an arm around his neck and kisses the top of his head.
"You okay?" he asks her.
"Yeah, what about you?" she asks him.
"I'm...I'm good" he tells her.

"Hey" they then hear Cisco say as he comes into the room, "She's out like a light, huh?" he says looking at Caitlin.
"Yeah, Jay really did a number on her" Barry says to him.
Cisco scoffs, "It's not like he exactly used kid gloves on the rest of us" he says.

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