8- Weirder Than Normal

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Sitting in their lab at CCPD, Barry runs the DNA test on the shark tooth, "So, I was wondering if we ever get time, if you would want to go on a nice date?" Barry asks leaning against Katrina's desk.
She looks up at him from her chair, spinning it around, "I would love that Barry" she smiles at him, "We haven't been able to since well you know" she says as she looks down away from Barry.

Barry reaches over, placing a hand on her chin, and lifting her face to look at him, "That's in the past, and I don't hate you. I still love you Kat, even when we went through all that" he says to her, just as he's about to kiss her the computer starts to beep, letting them know that the DNA trace was done.  They then get a hold of Patty, she arrives within minutes, and they show her the DNA trace.

"Human DNA" she says to them.
"Yep, definitely not a man-shark. Not even a land shark, Ma'am" Barry says to her.
"Well, thanks for testing it for me." Patty says to him.
"So, what are you going to do with the info now?" Katrina then asks.
"I don't know, probably file it under never-gonna-happen. I have another case anyway" she says to her.

"Oh, anything that we can help you with?" Katrina then asks her.
"No,no,no,no, Detective said definitely not" Patty quickly says to Katrina.
"Is everything all good?" Barry then asks Patty.
"Sure, why?" she says smiling.

"I don't know, you're just acting kind of different" Barry laughs.
"No, no, I'm the same old P. Spivot, you know" she smiles again and Barry and Katrina share a quick confused look, "What- Actually I have to go. But thank you so much for testing this, and I'll see you two" she says quickly taking off.

"Okay, was that weird?" Barry asks looking at Katrina.
"Weirder then normal for her, yes...yes it was" Katrina says to him., "think we should go ask Joe about it?" she then asks.
"Yeah" Barry says to her.

Barry and Katrina then head out of their lab and downstairs to see Joe, staring off in the distance, "Hey Joe" Katrina calls out, and it takes him a second to realize that they are there.

"You good? Everything all right?" Barry asks him as the couple go over to Joe.
"Yeah, I don't know, I just had a hell of a day" Joe tells them.

"Yeah?" Barry asks him.
Joe then sighs looking at the couple, "Iris' mother, she told me she was dying" he tells them, and they give him a look of surprise, "Yeah, and I know Francine, she's telling the truth about this" he says to them.

"Okay, does Iris know?" Barry asks.
"Not yet" Joe tells them. "Did you two, did you two need something?" he then asks them.
"No, it's just uh, it's just Patty said to us that you don't want us on the case that she's working on with you" Katrina then says to him.

"No" Joe says to her, "I was checking out a lead, I'll let you two know" he says to her.
"All right, cool" Barry says to him.
"So am I gonna find you two making out on my couch again tonight?" Joe then asks them, and they both feel their faces flush.

"No...no that is not going to happen again" Katrina says to him.
"Good, I mean I'm glad you two are working things out again, but I really don't need to see how well you're working on things" he smiles at the two of them as he walks away.

"Could I feel any more embarrassed?" Katrina says looking at Barry.
"I feel just the same" Barry smiles at her, as he pulls her close.

The next morning Katrina received a text from Barry telling her to meet up with him at STAR Labs, as he wanted to check on Professor Stein before they were to head to CCPD.  The head into the lab, and see that Caitlin has the local news on, "What's being described as a 'spontaneous energy malfunction' erupted last night at Eikmeier Technologies. Wanted for questioning is scientist Henry Hewitt" the hear the news broadcaster say as Caitlin then shuts the news off.

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