6- Ha-Ha, very funny

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Katrina wakes up in the morning, hearing noises in her kitchen, quickly getting dressed, she leaves the room to see Dick standing in the there. "Hey, sorry I got up early and decided to make you breakfast" he says to her.

"Thanks" she says sitting down on one of her stools.
"Are you going to call Barry and at lest let him know I am here?" he asks her as he places pancakes on a plate in front of her.
"No, gonna let him be surprised" she says as she starts eating.
"This isn't going to start a fight with you two" he asks her.

"No, he knows that there's nothing with us anymore, and that I love him" she then says.
"You love him" he says as he sits down with her.
"Yes, Dick I love him" she says as they both eat. Just then Katrina's phone starts going off, she goes and gets it, seeing a text from Barry, "Looks like we got a crime scene to go to" she says to Dick.

"Can't wait to see how things are done with your new team" he says to her.
"Wanna give me a lift there?" Katrina then asks him.
"What, don't want to run us there?" he jokes with her.
"Ha-ha, very funny" she remarks as they quickly clean up the breakfast, and head off for the crime scene. Arriving at the crime scene, Katrina and Dick step out of his car, as Barry and Joe step out of Joes, and they all walk toward one another.

"Joe, this is Dick Grayson, he works for the GCPD" Katrina explains.
"It's so great to meet you Detective West" Dick says holding his hand out for Joe to take and shake, and Joe does just that.
"He one of your other Gotham friends?" Joe then asks Katrina.

"Yes, I was hoping that you don't mind him hanging around, he wants to see how things are done here" Katrina asks Joe.
"As long as he's professional about everything, I don't see why not. Does he know about your other job?" Joe then asks.
"Yes, Joe he knows" Katrina then tells him.

"So, uh Dick when did you get in town?" Barry asks as they start to walk toward the crime scene that had been tapped off.
"I showed up last night at Kitty's apartment" he tells Barry.
"Kitty?" Joe asks.
"His nickname for me" Katrina asks as they see Patty standing there waiting for them. Joe lifts the tape and the four of them walk under towards Patty.

"Don't worry, sir. I waited for you this time" she says to Joe, "Okay, I may have done a quick preliminary assessment of my own. Something is definitely weird" she adds.

"Officer Spivot, this is Detective Grayson he's an old friend of mine visiting from Gotham" Katrina then tells her.
"Gotham, then you might not be as weirded out at seeing this" Patty says as she walks them over to the body laying in the back of a truck. She pulls back the tarp over the body to see that the head was completely gone.

"Oh" Joe says.
"Decapitation" Barry, Katrina and Dick all say together.
"Yeah" Patty says to them.
"Yikes" Barry remarks.
"We're still recovering parts of the head, so the ID is taking a little longer than normal" Patty says, "Ahh, ugh! Sorry, I thought I stepped on an ear" she then says, "I didn't. If I did, I'd be hearing things" she then jokes.

"Oh, hell no" Joe says as he walks away, and Patty and Barry laugh at her joke. Katrina and Barry then both put their latex gloves on to do their own assessment of what had happened.
"It doesn't look like the head was sliced off with any weapon I'm familiar with, and I'm familiar with most weapons" Patty then says.
"She's right, looking at the peroration around the neck it's too jagged to be sliced off" Dick then says, and Barry gives him a look.

"It looks more like the head had been blown off" Katrina then says taking a closer look.
"Like a meta-human who can explode heads, right?" Patty then asks.
"Not necessarily" Barry remarks as he helps Katrina look at the wound, taking a sample and checking it over. The machine then starts beeping, "Traces of thermite" he says.
"Bomb residue" both Patty and Dick then say.

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