28- Doppel...

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Back on Earth-1

"How's it going?" Joe comes into the room asking as Caitlin, Jay and Katrina were trying to fix the speed cannon.
"Uh, slow, Which is not a good adjective when it comes to a speed cannon" Jay tells him.

"Well, we got another problem" Joe tells them.
"Why do we always have to have another problem?" Caitlin asks, Joe just nods at them to follow.
"You gotta see this!"  they see a woman on the screen saying into her phones camera, "Somebody call the Flash and Bolt!" they watch as a man pounds the ground causing it to break, as they freeze the video.

"His name is Adam Fells, but he calls himself Geomancer" Jay says as he recognizes the meta.
"So this meta-human is a breacher?" Caitlin asks him.
"No, Fells died on my Earth. This must be his Earth-1 doppelganger" Jay tells her.

"At least we won't have to go searching for who is, we know his name. That will make it easier to track him down" Katrina says to them.
"Yeah, but with Barry gone, you can't go after him alone, how would we stop him even if we do find him" Caitlin says to her.

"Jay, if you could shoot yourself up with that stuff, what was it Velocity?" Joe looks at Caitlin.
"Velocity-Six?" she says to him.
"I cannot take V-six" Jay says to him.
"But it gave you your speed back long enough to get that bullet out of Wekks. Saved his life" Joe says to him.

"Joe, don't ask me to take Velocity-Six again" Jay says a little bit of anger in his voice.
"Look, Jay I'm not trying to tell you what to do. But Barry is protecting your world, and our world needs a Flash right about now. Kat can't go it all on her own" Joe says as he walks away from them. Jay then walks away going into the training room.
"Go talk to him" Katrina says to Caitlin, and watches as she goes to talk to him.

Back on Earth-2

Earth-2 Joe was back on stage singing, Barry looks over at Earth-2 Katrina seeing her smiling at Earth-2 Dick, and they are listening to Joe sing. It hurts Barry to see her with someone else but he tries telling himself that it wasn't his Katrina. She looks over at Barry, and smiles at him as Barry and Iris were watching Joe singing, "Can we talk some more about why Joseph doesn't like me?" Barry asks Iris.

"What's there to talk about?" she says to him, "I mean, you can't stand him either" she adds.
"Right" he says to her.
"Look, I can love you both even if you don't love each other" she tells him, as her device starts going off, "My meta-human warning app" she then says as everyone around the lounge hears the same thing.

Two figures then walk into Jitterbugs, "Don't stop singing, old man" Barry then hears the familiar voice of Ronnie say, and sees Ronnie's doppelganger.
"That's our song" the other figure says as Barry realizes it's Caitlin's doppelgänger.
"So, which one of you lounge lizards is in the wrong universe?" Earth-2 Caitlin says. "Hmm, show of hands" she says as she starts walking around.

Iris reaches into her purse for her gun, and Barry shakes his head telling her not to do anything, "Hey, handsome" Caitlin says looking at Barry. "You got something you want to tell me?" she asks.
"No" he says to her.
"No?" she says as she turns to look at Ronnie, "Baby, no one's talking to me"

"What if I make them scream" Ronnie says.
"CCPD! Everyone get out of here!" Iris says as she stands up pointing her gun.
"All right, go, go" Barry says as he looks around the lounge trying to spot Earth-2 Katrina, and can't see her.

"You are both under arrest!" Earth-2 Iris shouts at them.
"Ladies first" Earth-2 Caitlin says as she starts to form ice on her hands.
"Caitlin" Barry then says to her.
"I haven't heard that name in a long time" Caitlin says to him.

 "I haven't heard that name in a long time" Caitlin says to him

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