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of all the horrible things that have occurred in a short amount of time Aizawa felt nothing but guilt...he failed his students, he failed as a teacher....despite being severely injured he spoke to All Might...muttering and was now letting the demon out 
AM: "what are you saying Aizawa?" he growled 
Aizawa: "don't you act like the FUCKING victim of all people should know this...because of you and your have now created another goddamn problem! another VILLAIN!!" he yelled out still in pain 
AM: "don't talk about my daughter like that...she has nothing to do with all of this" 
AIzawa: "oh yeah?! then why don't you ask her about what she and her friends would do to Izuku when he was young....he was bullied and abused by them and not just them the whole FUCKING staff in Aldera including the Students...they tortured and abused a child beyond recognition....i was surprised the kid lasted that long...but whatever made him's you and hers doing!!" he yelled 
Aizawa: "now get the hell out...i dont want to fucking look at you" and to which Yagi was silent he walks out of the room pondering on what he just said ....his daughter...his own flesh and blood....bullied him? she wouldn't do something like that...there must be another he wished that Izuku was here...if he's made his cyberware than he's a bigger threat than ever now....making them for the villains and possibly worse...the people he could've killed when making these things...the thought of it made him sick...what was he going to tell Inko? what should he do? tell her? or keep it a secret...then again Aizawa will know he's been hiding it so he'll tell her if he doesn't....god....he couldn't help but cry....that man was the definition of who his son became...the mantis blades  was indeed impressive seeing the arms open up and the blades came was awe inspiring and would put any support company to shame in a long run....but now that was not important...he needs to capture that man...but how can you capture someone when they decommisioned regular handcuffs long ago....quirk cuffs won't help because this is not a's cyberware. but now he took out his phone and called someone 
AM: "hey Naomasa....i suppose you heard right?" 
Naomasa: "you better give me a good reason on why you called Yagi" ah yes...he was still angry about the case...he doesn't blame him 
AM: "i've found a lead for my son" 
Naomasa was quiet: " me at my office tomorrow....9am don't be late" and he hung up still straightforward as ever he dialed someone else now
Inko: "hey Toshi" 
AM: "Inko....are you home?" he asked her 
Inko: "yeah....why?" 
AM: "alright...i'm coming home now....and i need to talk to you...i've found news.....about Izuku so please wait" he said 
Inko: ".....okay...." and he hung up...this will be the most difficult conversation in his life 

Izumi was still in shock....her brother is alive and well...but in the whole ordeal he's making his cyberware for the villains...the VILLAINS!! and to top it off she has no clue what else he's made...but the mantis blades...they were cool she had to admit. but knowing a villain can have them is terrifying....her friends are scared as well even Todoroki who is normally stoic and quiet 
Shoto: "so he really made them" 
Katsumi: "I don't believe it" 
Bakugo was growling: "the fucking nerd....why is he helping them?! it's been his dream to try and become a hero" 
Shoka: "in case you haven't noticed we are the reason he lost that drive...this is most likely payback" starting to tear up 
Katsumi: "we have no right to say that Bakugo" 
Bakugo: "I can say whatever the fuck i want...and i want to know is why the fuck is Deku HELPING THE FUCKING VILLAINS!!!" shouting now catching the attention of the others 
Sero: " know this guys bakubro?" he said 
Izumi: "No....*isigh* it would be better to explain it to you all" and they listened 
Izumi: "about 10 months ago...i had an older brother....he was kind and strong willed....but he ran away one day and left without a trace....he's been missing since then....but before he left he would write these journals he kept in his room detailed to a brim about quirks and the weaknesses and even how to improve them...but one book was different" 
Kirishima: "Which is what?" 
Izumi: "Issue number 13...the most disturbing in my opinion....he would talk about how the human body is  just a weak vessel that can be broken easily...we saw one of his designs called 'Mantis blades' and they are blades that is concealed in the forarms of a person...and they are suppose to be extremely deadly" to which now shocks the class 
Mina: "wait...are you saying that your making these things for the Villains?" and she nodded 
Momo: 'so there is some truth to his words then' thinking back to when he told her about the 'rumor' it was a cry for help maybe
Kirishima: "so this stuff...was all made by your brother?!" and she nods 
Kaminari: "holy shit...." 
Katsumi: "we feared this sort of was dangerous....hell he said that if no one could help him.....he'll do it himself...of course he won't ever hurt someone....only himself" 
Momo "he didn't" 
Izumi: "he would claim that he only perform these things to himself....he wanted to fucking cut off his own arm...only because he said if he can't get in without a quirk...then he'll make his own" and this new information shocked them to the core...her brother was smarter than they realized trying to evolve a way that would seem's crazy to think about but it's possible...soon the doors first they were expecting someone else to teach but instead they see their teacher all bandaged up like a mummy 
Kirishima: "SENSEI!"he shouted all happy and some of the others were glad to him okay...and the next person to walk in was Jirou 
Momo: "JIROU!!" her and Kaminari jumped up to her happy to see their friend...but they all saw her injury...her missing left arm...forcefully yanked off out of its socket...they couldn't do anything but watch...but she still has her quirk so that's good for the time being 
Aizawa: "you all need to shut up and new information from our principal notified us that the sports festival is going to continue on" 
Kaminari: "are you serious?" 
Aizawa: "do i joke about these matters Kaminari? if so then you best watch it" 
Aizawa: "now all need to start some type of training...and improve your gear in some way...i would suggest seeing powerloader down at the support wing...he should be able to help you" 
Ochako: "um sensei" 
Aizawa: "yes"  
Ochako: "are you sure your fine?...and you too Jirou?" she asked 
Aizawa: "I wouldn't worry about me...i've suffered much worse than this...worry about the festival and remember the event should be taken seriously because it is the time that the heroes will see if they want to intern you or do your best" and he got flopped over to sleep which made everyone sweatdrop 
Jirou just walked past them and sat in her seat  Momo sat by her 
Momo: " are you holding up?" she looked at her irritated
Jirou: "what do you think? i lost an much shit i can't do anymore so why don't you talk to someone else Yaoyorozu" 
Kaminari: "hold on Jirou it's not her fault you acted recklessly" soon he was hit with her jacks 
Jirou: "shut up Pichu...i don't want to talk about it" literally a lot was on her mind right now

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