A new start

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the next day  
U.A has finally established it's first dorm system....Izumi and the others are actually pretty excited about it...especially since they had the choice to choose their own rooms...obviously they had to separate them from each other...but it doesn't mean they are still hanging out with each other....soon the rest of Class 1-A had moved in as well...and to start of the day...is to have a room compitition
Mina: "alright...let's go see who has the best room!" fist bumping the air
Sero: "i'm actually pretty excited" 
Kirishima: "same here bro" soon they all toured around each others room...to their surprise they saw that Katsumi had a small picture of her and Izuku when they were kids 
Momo: "i that him?" looking at the photo
Katsumi: "yeah...i would prefer if you don't touch it" 
Mina: "aww...he looked so cute..." 
Sero: "it's scary to see how innocent looking he used to look" 
Katsuki: "why the hell do you have this photo sis?" 
Katsumi: "i'm sorry is it also part of the competition to give a fucking speech about everything?" 
Tokoyami: "hmm" 
Tsuyu: "i wonder what type of hero he would've been kero" 
Satou: "Katsumi here is not angry for once" 
Kaminari: "hmm" soon they look into Izumis room...she had an All might figure that looked really old on her sheif...in a glass case and an urn 
Mina: "hey what's that?" asking her 
Izumi: "um...it's....i don't want to talk about it" 
lida: "Izumi it is unwise to keep any type of substance in your room"
 Izumi: "it's not drugs!" turning red now
Izumi: "it's .....the figure used to belong to my brother and the urn.....it's his ashes" which made them stop 
Mina: "his....ashes?" 
Momo: "you mean...he was dead?" 
Izumi: "no....when he went missing....he left his room in ruins...breaking everything and even managed to punch a hole in the wall...but....the ashes...." then Bakugo stepped in
Bakugo: "we don't know what happened...but there was pieces of his skin and muscle on the floor...we thought a villain came in and killed him...but it's not case" 
Momo: "oh i'm sorry" 'pretty disturbing' 
Shoka: "even though she should've left it at home...she wanted it to be a reminder of her trying to save him" 
lida: "did that goal change?" 
Izumi: "never....i want to save him....at least stop him from doing anymore harm" 
Kaminari looks down: 'and whose fault is that?' 
Kirishima: 'man they are all kinds of fucked in the head' 
Mina: 'and he still shot me...but i see it in some weird way' 
soon they toured the rest of the dorms until they finally made it to Shokas....they opened it to see a lot of ice related items...it was also cold in it as well 
Mina: "brrr...how is feeling like a freezer in here?"
Momo: "didn't think it cold get any colder than this" 
Shoka: "my quirk causes my body heat to be very low...so whenever i'm outside i get very hot easily so it keeps me cool...but even then i can sleep in much colder environments" 
Shoto: "she's the reason why she has AC in her room alone" 
Kirishima: "jeez i'm freezing" stepping out now
Mina also looks at a particular shirt...an All Might shirt 
Mina: "are you also a fan of All MIght Shoka?" 
Shoka: "hmm? oh yeah...but the shirt isn't mine" 
Momo: "let me guess....Izuku" and she nods 
Sero: "man he used to be a big part of your life huh" and they nodded 
Satou: "man he would've been a cool person to be friends with" 

Izuku: "i'm going to take your eye out of it's socket...soon i need to install the cyberware that will connect directly to your brain and then proceed to connect the optimizer to it....oh you also need to be awake for this so don't worry it's going to be painless" 
Ochako: "um....okay?!"sweating very hard now 
Izuku: "now biggie...i've never messed up....only on myself so your good" 
Ochako: "that's not reassuring!" 
Izuku: "please...if your going to be a part of the league you need to look the part...so here we go" 

Tokoyami: "hm...it would be interesting"  
Mina: "alright i guess we are going to vote on who wins!" 
Momo: "i hope it will be fair" 
lida: "nonsense it will be by vote...so whoever gets the most votes wins the competition." soon he hands out index cards he just pulled out from his pocket handing it to everyone
Kirishima: "do....do have those on you all the time?" asking him
lida: "it is unwise to e unprepared for these type of things" 
Shoto: "hm" 
Momo; "i'll admit even i wouldn't do that" 
Mina: "that's because you can make it on the spot" 
but they also realized that there are a couple of rooms empty...about three of them
Kirishima: "i guess these were for...those guys" remembering Ochako, Tooru, and Mineta
Kaminari: "yeah...and we would've left those rooms empty as well" 
Momo: "scary to think about it...i guess we are lucky you guys came for us" 
Mina: "let's get past this mood...so who won tenya?" he brought up the polls 
lida: "so it would seems the winner here is....you Ashido" 
Mina: "YEAH!" 
Tsuyu: "very nice" 
Kirishima: "your room was like the coolest.." 
Kaminari: "I liked the Xenomorph plushie" 
Momo: "i liked it's atmospheric nature of it" 
Mina: "eh?" 
Izumi couldn't help but giggle at the display...she knew either of them would get the vote..especially hers." 
Aizawa: "since you are all here i have an announcement....since you never had the chance to finish your course training for your provisional license...you will be have another chance to get them...when you also go against the rival school but also.." soon they see Midnight enter
Mina: "MIDNIGHT!!" and some of the others screamed in joy seeing their teacher
Midnight: "what you think losing a leg will cause me to leave you hanging...yeah right" but she was soon enveloped in a group hug
Mina; "We were so worried for you!" 
Kirishima was also crying: "we lost too many people...we couldn't bear to lose you too" 
Momo: "you are important to us as well" 
Midnight: "kids....you...i'm glad to have students like you" 
Aizawa: "anyway...you all need to learn how to develop a special move....each and everyone of you will need to train for it...so we'll be heading back to USJ for more training tomorrow...so enjoy it" before he leaves the room he gives lida Midnights crutches 

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