beginning of the end?/Final choice

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once the tape has been throughly searched through...the heroes only managed to get little to no information regarding their location...the only things they could see was the background...and they were in some abandoned area...or warehouse they tried to triangulate their location...seeing how they looked like their in a concert area
Nezu: "hmm let's see here...ahh so everyone please give me about 2 hours to fiddle with this...and i will show you what i find" and everyone groaned
Mt Lady: "it's too long...oh well" and some took out their phones while others actually left to wait for the call...but in the background 
Kota: "why is he a badguy...tell me!" arguing with his aunt 
Mandalay: "Kota...he's a supervillain....your not safe as long as he's here" 
Kota: "but he killed the man who killed my parents...he avenge them!...doesn't that matter?!" 
Mandalay: "revenge isn't the way must never have this mindset...this is the path of a villain" but Kota slaps her hand away 
Kota: "he's trying to protect the quirkless!...the police out there...killed them!...they didn't even attempted to catch them!" crying now
Kota: "they just started killing...your just like them!" and he ran off leaving her alone 
Pixie-bob: "another fit?" walking in 
Mandalay: ".......yeah" 
Pixie-bob: "Tomoko...has gotten worse" showing her a picture of her...she was sadden seeing her friend...looking so frail and...and broken...her will to live...they had to call it in more than once...especially since she didn't take Tiger kings passing to well and putting this on top of the fact that Samurai..and then the league becoming one legion...also with her being treated the same way quirkless are treated..makes this all the more of a mess for them...
Mandalay: "let him be for now...i don't understand it...he looks up to the man who killed countless people..who killed one of ours...and took away the dreams of another...i don't understand...i really don't" 
Pixie-bob sits next to her: "i don't know about how kids can look up to people...all i know is that it has to do with him...killing Muscular..that could've sparked something...i guess" 
and then another group 
Midnight: "there needs to be a way to get the league to turn against themselves" 
Mt Lady: "again with this pointless plan..did you see how coordinated they are?...even if they did..the fucker made the tech..he can just take control of them with the snap of his finger *snap* like that" 
Kamui: "well it's worth a try...but to find out there weakness is like looking for a needle in a haystack....but what about that hatsume girl?" 
Midnight: "she can only make so much mechs...only a dozen of them...even the girl is sleeping at this moment...collapsed from exhaustion" 
Mt Lady: "it's not many of them did it take to take out the big one?" 
Midnight: "from reports...two...and a car that's able to drive by itself" 
Kamui: "what....the fuck" 
Mt Lady: "kids pushed the technology by 100 years...first was the is an A.I car...*sigh*" 
Emi: "*sigh*" walking in looking very tired...possibly from Shota
Midnight: "hey Emi" 
Mt Lady: "Joke" 
Emi: "fuck off Yu" flipping her off..especially from her 'last' comment about her picking Shota
Mt Lady didn't even react
Midnight: "Shota?" 
Emi: "shota...the subborn mule...angry as he is sleepless" 
Mt Lady: "still don't know why you would choose to be with that miserable old man...honestly look at you! look can get someone better Emi....just up your standards a little..and Aizawa is the complete opposite of what you should go for" and Emi just glares at her....Nemuri knows all to well this look is even scares Shota...of course Yu is too stupid to realize it...yes she's younger...yes she just started...but they don't know their history together...
Kamui: "Yu just leave it alone she can be who she wants to be we need to focus on more important matters" 
Mt Lady: "come's been a while since i had a good drama..all everyone thinks about is Johnny Silverhand...and i'm tired off it." 
Kamui: "also...don't forget you ran into him during the sports festival..and was too oblivious to it" 
Mt Lady: "shut up" 
Midnight: "very mature" 
and she just growls
soon the door opens 
Nezu: "it's finished" and they all came in like it was black friday
Midnight: "so...what's the results?" 
Nezu: "i found more than i wanted...i guess Silverhand knew i was going to he left a little puzzle for me...with scrambled words and images i had to reconnect into then next server...which was very complicated to explain so i won't" 
heroes: 'thank god' 
Nezu: "anyway...i decrypted the message and this came out 
playing the same audio again but it was static at first 

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz