Conflict within

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the News generic music starts playing....indicating an Emergency news broadcast 
TV: "Good evening ladies and Gentlemen...tonight we have....some very sad news" soon Endeavors picture pops up 
TV: "Number one hero Endeavor...father of five...has passed away this who you ask? the clutches of Johnny Silverhand...and his rebellion by the name that goes by Samurai....not one but multiple areas have been attacked...including Johnny Silverhand attacking Tartarus prison...the prison that has the world most dangerous Villains...the Leader of the Shie Hessaikai Overhaul...the Hero killer Stain...and the infamous robber and thief Mr Compress...have been freed as of now...the authorities have been advised to stay in your not go out for any reasons necessary....if you must go and get must call the number that will be" showing a phone number 
TV: "the hero school U.A has now tripled their efforts to train the students to become heroes...although...will it be enough?...will their strength and wits be enough to stop this supervillains? and his army?....only time will tell...this is Mustafar news....good night to safe" soon it turns off 

lida: "*sigh*" tired from another training session with Midnight....Mr Aizawa was still unconscious from his injuries...Present in a coma...they won't know when he'll wake up...but Vlad king...Powerloader...are doing all they can to teach the students....even some Pro heroes came in to help out....and then Endeavor...the number one hero...was killed by Johnny Silverhands members...burnt to a crisp...they only managed to identify him...through his teeth....and then there's the Todorokis...Shoto recieved another fatal injury...he's still in the hospital...and Shoka...was scarred...from what hes heard from Rock lock...was Johnny had inserted a strange wire into her him full control of her movements...making her attack them...Shoto had to knock her out...and even if she had broken bones...Johnny still made her fight...causing even more pain to her...she's resting in the hospital as well...but to top it all...Stain....Overhaul....and other villains had escaped Tartarus....what can they do?....what could they do?...fight them again?!...
Ojiro: "hey Tenya" lida looks over to see Ojiro...he seems very tired...most likely from the intense training from yesterday...
lida: "hello there Ojiro.." soon he sat down on the small sofa by him 
soon Mina also came downstairs
Mina: "hey guys" she looked dead almost...there was bags under her eyes...and she looked sluggish in her movements...she stumbled on over to the fridge for some water...she lays on the other sofa she looked like she was crying
lida: "Ashido...are you okay?" 
Mina was glum: "what do you think?" yikes...not a good time indeed 
Momo: "please be nice Ashido" 
Mina: "hmph" and looks away soon 'she' came
Izumi came downstairs...she looked the worst honestly...her hair unkempted her eyes red and her cheeks puffy...her cloths looked stretched her arm...had some cuts on it...but it seems it didn't come from a quirk she walks to the fridge as well to get a water bottle...not even saying a hello or good morning...she walks towards the stairs...until
Mina: "and look who showed up"  hearing the venom in her voice Izumi stops...still not looking 
Momo: "Ashido please stop" 
Mina got up: "the proud prodigy of U.A is here everyone...come take a look....oh wait seems we're...hmm say we're short...since some died, some injured, and also a certain cunt isn't here as well...oh wait nevermind...she is front of me" she started crying again 
Mina: "you" Izumi didn't even flinch or made a response she just took it
Izumi: "shut up" and she starts walking up stairs 
Mina: "you bitch....this..all of this...IS YOUR FAULT!!! YOU HEAR ME!!!!" then she plants her face on the sofa and she starts bawling, her tears wetting the couch fabric
lida was too tired to scold her...or what she's doing to the's not needed right now and then his mind drifted to Stain...the very same man who crippled his brother...and nearly killed him...was released back into the world once more
lida did the only thing he can do...he sits by Mina...and starts to rub her back...soon she gets up to lean on him for support and he hugs her...Momo did the same along with Ojiro...the others were grieving in their own Katsumi...was punching her mirror in the bathroom...causing her hands to bleed soon she stops...her friends...their fucked in the ass by Izuku...they stood no chance at all...even the number one hero couldn't kill him...fuck!
Katsumi remembers a time when they used to be friends 
Izuku: "hey Katsumi!" running to her 
Katsumi: "IZU!" and she ran up as well hugging him 
Izuku: "what do you want to do?!" excited 
Katsumi: "let's play house" 
Izuku: "um...okay!" he was smiling...that old smile...that small child filled with innocence to rhe brim...
Katsumi: "yes!...i'll be the be the Husband!" grabbing his hand this was before the time...he ended up with those insecurities...before the damage...before they molded him to become evil
Izuku: "sure!" and after hours of ended to them playing tag...soon both of them were tired and they layed on the grass next to each other looking at the clouds 
Katsumi: "hey Izu" 
Izuku: "yeah?" 
Katsumi: "when we grow up...let's get married!" and Izuku was smiling 
Izuku: "then we can both be great heroes together!" 
Katsumi: "yeah...we will!" 
Izuku: "because we'll be together...forever!" 
flashback ends

Katsumi: " much that could've been true...if i had did something else that day" thinking back to it...having what if what if she protected him from being beaten? what if she was still friends? what if....what if she never said those words to him that day?...what if....she never did those things at all?
soon she heard a knock on her door
Katsumi: "fuck off!" she said to whoever is on the other side 
Kirishima: "hey Katsumi please open up"
Katsumi: "the fuck you want Kirishima?!" 
Kirishima: "come on man...everyones worried for you...please...even Bakugo" 
Katsumi scoffs: "bullshit you fucking damn well know that they hate me!" 
Kirishima: "well....your not wrong...but on the other hand...they don't want to wish anything ill on you bra...please....come on need your usual insults that you say about your brother....pop shit...dandelying....fuck know the typical stuff...but dollar store Micheal bay is my favorite!" and then she laughs a little remembering how pissed he was during that moment.  
Katsumi: " got me shark boy" she opens the door...her hands were bandaged
Kirishima: "come on" and soon both of them walk downstairs 

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic Villainحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن