Babysitting/another gig

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Bakugo and Shoto along with their sisters are at an area where they are with both Camie and Inasa...who failed the second part of the Provisional exams...they needed to control a situation with...apparently they needed to control a situation...which involves children
some argued and some also fought...the girls called Camie a slut...and Shoka and Katsumi a cunt to which Shoka had to hold Katsumi back 
"maybe you heroes are the reason Johnny killed my dad!" one child said to them...of course this was going to happen...Inasa was very well trained in handling kids...he treated them and played with them....keeping them in control..while the others struggled 
Shoka made the area snow..while keeping it warm...and Shoto made some ice slides....Katsumi and Bakugo did some was all going fine until they saw him...Kota...the nephew of Mandalay...they wondered what he was doing there...until Camie went up to him 
Camie: "what's up little totes for showing are so cute" seeing him having this angry face 
Katsumi: "here it comes" soon Kota flips her off 
Kota: "piss off" and he walks away leaving her confused 
Shoka: "still mean as ever" 
Shoto: "hey Kota" seeing him he frowned even more 
Kota: "what do you want" rude about it...he's not even looking at him 
Shoka: "we just want to check up on you...we haven't seen you since the camp" 
Kota: "why so you can lead Johnny Silverhand here to?" 
Shoka: "we're going to stop him don't need to be afraid" 
kota: " if...he's so much stronger than the symbol of peace...he's all my friends ever talk aunt lost Uncle tiger...and now she is afraid now...stupid heroes" and he gets up 
Shoka: "hey Heroes aren't the reason he exist" which is a total lie
Kota: "heroes didn't save my parents....Johnny was the one to kill the man who killed my parents...he's the real hero around here" and he walks off
Camie: " about rude" 
Katsumi: "he's the real hero...what a bunch of" before her mouth was covered 
Shoka: "there's children here" 
Bakugo: "who least we have it under control" Kota still looking depressed...his parents were who?...and Johnny killed him?
Inasa: "he's probably talking about Muscular...i think that's who killed his parents" 
Shoka: "how horrible!" gasping no wonder he's so aggressive...he doesn't know how to grieve
Kota: "stupid heros...stupid students...stupid U.A...Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!" crying now...
"hey look at that he's crying." 
"what a wimp" 
"aww little crybaby scared...want mommy and daddy?" 
Kota grew even more angry he punched the he was about to go in for another punch Bakugo stopped him 
Kota: "let me go!" 
Bakugo: "Not going to happen twerp" 
Katsumi: "don't do it's not worth it" 
Shoka meanwhile froze the kids in a large ice cube keeping them contained
Shoto: "believe us Kota...we know" 
Kota: "whatever" taking himself out of Bakugos hold....he runs off
some things never change

Izuku: " that we're ready Jirou is riding Shotgun since Shigaraki is still asleep...and i will drive...Eri want to hop up front with us?" and she nods wanting to see what's outside
Izuku: "okay then come on" guiding them to the front...Jirou takes shotgun...and Eri takes the small backseat she's safe and secured...they then begun to drive...same procedure from before take watch but this time they have take precautions to make sure they won't get caught" 
Izuku: "alright so tell me this location Jirou" and she sends him coordinates 
Izuku: "ah...i see now" 
Jirou: "yeah..i just don't know if it's good or not" Izuku looks more into it
Izuku: "outside of the the forest...away from any hero...and of course a place to hide the Behemoth...this will work fine for now Jirou...good call" smiling 
Jirou: "learned it from the best" and he smirks 
Izuku: "uh-huh" 
Jirou: "i'm glad i still remember this mother and father used to do concerts there a long time ago...when they first started out" 
Izuku: "really?" 
Eri: "mommy's a singer?" 
Jirou: "i was....i still sing Eri" 
Eri: "can...can you sing for us?" and she started to blush 
Jirou: "well...i don't know any songs...but if i do..i'll make sure it's good for you alright?" and she nods 
Izuku: "anyways....i'm taking the railroads for a bit...seems no ones around...initiate cloaking" and soon he presses a button and the behemoth becomes Invisible
Jirou: "how managed cloaking?" and soon Izuku sent her a message...that's when she knew it wasn't something for Eri to hear 

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