fate sealed/Pains of the past

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Izuku: "alright what is this broadcast you want me to do now?" looking at Gentle 
Gentle: "well since the death of endeavor was about 3 days ago...i think it is best to have a little Morale boost from out supporters we have managed to built...what do you say?" 
Izuku: "*sigh* you sure it won't just also make the heroes more determine to kill us?..they already put a fucking bounty on not on just my head...but i'm sure it's also to have you all killed as well...and showing my face..they will do everything in their power to find out where we recorded this" 
La Brava: "which is why i have the idea of doing it in a public area...within the quirkless district..they will want to see their savior in the flesh...we'll just follow around" 
Izuku facepalms: "that's even worse...did you even think of anything?....unless...Dabi...he will be your guest...he's the one who killed endeavor..plus...there's an added bonus to it" 
Gentle: "which is?" 
Izuku: "ah...won't say until he does it...think of it as my surprise to you" 
now it's Gentles turn to sigh "
Gentle: "guess we have no other option...alright we'll do it with dabi then...hear what he says...and then this surprise you have for us." and Izuku smiles 
Izuku: "good...now then...i need to prepare for another gig for us" and he soon leaves 
La Brava: "so what now?" 
Gentle rubs his chin for a moment
Gentle: "how will...they feel about a six year old gamer?" 

Izuku: "another problem addressed...another arises" looking at the mess in front of him...Nejires Modules have been installed...first and foremost...the infamous Berserker module..and Sandevision optimizers...installing Gorilla fist and Monowires as well..to accommodate for the missing hands Dabi...'accidentally' cut off which was bullshit and fucking dumb of him
Izuku: "well then...let's see here...hmm...she'll want to try and betray us...in some form..or stall it...maybe some tweaking in the brain could do the trick...alter some behavior...but then again...there was the odd phenomenon to deal with...her dosage is due as well...bio chip...where did i put it?....hmm...ah yes i assigned it to someone to hold it...don't know who..oh well..guess i need to do it myself then...soon he brings out his brain scanners...putting it on Nejire then on himself...he sits down on the chair and soon both of them are transferred to the Blackwall
soon the blue light appears...then it then flashes to white as both of them have left...to the blackwall

Nejire: "huh?!...where....WHere am I?!!" looking around Panicking seeing everything red and nothing but code 
Izuku: "you...are in a place called the Blackwall" she turns around to see Izuku in his normal 'Human' form...looking nothing like the Machine they saw covered in fake skin or covered in blood
Nejire: "Johnny?!" 
Izuku: "usually you would call me by Izuku...but given the circumstances we have...makes this complicated...and about your friends" 
Nejire: "did you?!" 
Izuku: "i kept my word nejire Hado...you do not need to worry about them...they are safe and sound...dumped off at U.A..but that is not the reason why i brought you here" 
Nejire: "this blackwall...what is it?...why is it here?....why are you doing this again?....what's with the human form?...what you really trying to do!?" 
Izuku: "Blackwall is a sanctuary for all Quirkless and those with weak quirks to be safe...i'm doing this to bring the meaning of hero back into this world...the reason why i appear human because it is how my conscious perceives it...and you already asked me the question of why i'm doing this" 
Nejire: "oh...and you think making me work for you will turn out your way?!" 
Izuku: "hehehe...no it's not a matter of thinking...I KNOW you will do it...because i did not bring you here for a reason. I did the same thing to Ochako Uraraka when she tried to defect from me...with this simple fact...no matter how much damage you try to do...no matter what attempts you make trying to expose our plans or weaknesses...i will always fix it...i will be stronger than before...and what Ochako had been told will be the same with you." 
Nejire: "a-a-and what's that?!" now nervous
Izuku: "if you do not meetup to my expectations for not just the league...but for all of Samurai...i will have no choice but to make you a Proxy..an extension of myself by overriding your brain with my own...making you become me...of course this is the last resort...Ochako has already seen how it could happen...i was the one who put her in the passenger seat...but i will make sure you are conscious for it all..to feel everything and see everything IF you do become a proxy...so be aware of this...no matter what you will work for us...it's only a matter of your choice to do so...or the other option...like Ochako...but she's accepted the truth...and now she is fully loyal to us...so you better think about your choices before you do anything" 
Nejire: "who else...just her?!" 
Izuku: "no...remember the Behemoth you ended up in?...remember how it has the capability to turn invisible...that was a functionality and possible from a certain body i snagged during the camping trip Class 1-A and B went to" 
Nejire: "what?!" 
Izuku: "Tooru Hagakure....died from injuries related to being hit by a Mantis blade...her blood was important so i took the body...and used it to it's full potential...you see Invisibility is very hard to replicate...but when i saw it as a quirk...i couldn't let this golden opportunity slip from my grasp...so i took full advantage of it...and not only that...it has served it's purpose as a scout unit...filled to the brim with lethal and defensive Cyberware making it a very efficient weapon...so this should serve as a reminder to what you can become...or will...it all depends on you...and you alone Nejire" 
Nejire was speechless...she couldn't believe it...he also utilized a quirk to help him with his tech..and to top it all..made the corpse become a unit or some extension of his squad...of course this is fucked on so many levels...it shouldn't even be possible to extend the usage of a corpse to this extent but one question remains
Nejire: "what about the mind?...if what you told me about being fully aware of my actions as a proxy...does Tooru feel the same thing?" 
Izuku: "hmm...good question...that's what i've been wondering...when i found her corpse she was dead for a bit...as you know it only takes a matter of seconds for all brain cells to die when it is completely cut off from oxygen...when i 'resurrect' it...making new brain cells...artificial ones...it's likely not the same person...but rather...an empty shell...where the body is alive..but it needs something to pilot it...or navigate it...which is the outcome you see here" 
Nejire: "your a monster!" 
Izuku: "hm...that's a first...monster...usually it's freak or Demon...nice change of pace....but i can do it right here and now..." 
Nejire: "No...please" 
Izuku: "hm...better give me an answer...or i'll highjack it" 
Nejire: "I....I will work for you...just please...let it be my choice...please" and Izuku smiles 
Izuku: "you're finally getting it...you will soon see what i mean about making the word hero come back to it's true meaning" 
Nejire started to cry
Izuku: "you know...i searched through your memories...and you know to...you were the girl that i protected from Bakugo and his cunt friends...if you truly believed the heroes are what makes this world a better place...why are they still in U.A? why did Endeavor raped his wife to breed for a perfect successor for his legacy?...why are these camps stationed at Might Tower?...before i destroyed them?...or why did the Symbol of Peace...and the Legendary Omega not only ignored their son...but also never told him they loved him...that they cared for him...until the son became a villain to get that attention he always wanted...how he was pushed to this...ask yourself these questions...your a late bloomer...you have tasted a fraction of what it's like...so you should put into account of what this all means for us...what i'm trying to do here....what i'm trying to achieve with Tomura" soon he waves his hands and then the codes change as well 

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now