Samurai: 'shake the world!'

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soon after their longtime leader...faded away both of them heard another alarm....soon turrets with mounted guns came out and surrounded them
Izuku: "shit...Tomura we need to go now" he was kneeling down 
Izuku: "TOMURA!" 
Shigaraki: "what!" 
Izuku: "we can grieve later...right now we can't let his words go in vain!" soon he fires an explosive round and Shigarakis blaster also destroyed some soon Izuku ran right up to one...and he forced it to turn around...and soon he rips the LMG out of the turret...adjusting it and soon pulls the trigger destroying the other turrets...
Shigaraki: "damn it' 
Izuku: "HAH!!!!" screaming out louda firing the weapon...destroying them all....
ShigarakI :"jesus Rambo calm down!" 
Izuku drops it and soon rips off another one soon they exit the cell...the others were waiting for them 
Stain: "so...he's gone huh" and they nod 
Overhaul: "not one for being emotion...but my condolences" 
Izuku holds it up...and soon the elevator comes down....the large would be awkward to fit them all into the tiny one 
soon they hear the guards coming and preparing for the worst 
Izuku: "alright the plan is head out...kill them all...go to the car...NOMUs will make some noise....drink, and celebrate" 
Mr compress: "i'll have tea" 
Izuku: "whatever fits your boat" soon they got prepared....and it opens soon the other guards aimed their weapons and fire Izuku stood there...he walked out and even though he was getting hit..none of the bullets did any type of damage....he started firing the high caliber LMG it has so much power his Gorilla fist maxed out in absorbing it...soon he punches a guard killing him Shigaraki and the others followed the walking tank as they take out other around them Stain rushed forward with his quick speed dicing and slicing them...decapitating them 
Overhaul walked up to a guard and decontruct him....he was of course killed...but he picked up the guards weapon and used it to fire at the others 
Izuku: "we're almost there.." soon he whistles really loudly....and then the doors behind the guards burst open to three NOMUs charging in and they overran them easily...
Izuku: "NOW!" and Shigaraki fires the blaster at one of the NOMUs...that had an explosive device attached to blew up destroying the front interior of the lobby...soon they ran out 
Izuku whistles again...and the car drives through all the mess controlled by an A.I and it parked in front of them...the doors open 
"please escort yourselves into the vehicle please" it said to them wasting now time the got in....but Compress had to sit in the trunk...for obvious reason" Izuku got in the drivers seat and hits the gas!." speeding of soon a low buzzing is heard and they see a very large drone...
'STOP YOU ARE SURROUNDED...CEASE OR BE SHOT!' it said in it's low monotone voice 
A.I: 'Mr. Silverhand would you like me to initiate combat mode?' 
Stain: "combat mode?" 
Izuku smiles: "yes it" 
DEL: 'Certainly' and soon it started to drive itself..ramming through the police cars and it made it's way towards downtown 
Izuku: "Shigaraki go to plan B!" and he smirks...soon he reaches in the back to pull out an LMG courtesy of your local dealer Giran...Shigaraki opens the window and he holds the weapon
Shigaraki: "die mother fucker!" and he fires at it....soon it started to fire as well the car was skidding to avoid Shigaraki getting he adjust his aim...and fires again....shooting off one of the starts to smoke but it still kept following them...and it keeps firing....this thing won't go down 
Izuku adjust a certain weapon...yes it's the ashura...but he has it calibrated for mechs so he pops his weapon out...and aims right at the glowing 'eye' where the main core is...soon he fires. it...the whistling...hits the eye...soon it started to spin out of control...fireing aimlessly Shigaraki immediately duck back into the car
Overhaul: "Shit!" 
soon it crashes down...soon the car stops.....
Shigaraki: "the hell are you doing?!" Izuku walks out to go up to the machine....he wipes the dirt off it and he sees it 
'made by certified mechinist....Mei hatsume' 
Izuku: "it's the same girl from before" i knew she would be a problem...fuck soon he walks back to the car...and he fires and explosive round at them...destroying it completely...
Izuku: "shake the world!" and they drive off calling the others now 

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