Samurai: 'the Beginning'

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the day of the meeting

Nejire and the other two arrived at the was huge....but that's not all....the concert or meetup is outside and she could see thousands of people flooding in and there are a lot of seats or they could stand...
Mirio: "look at all these people" looking around...there's no doubt a hero is going undercover in this are they going to do this?...
Tamaki: "there's seats over here...the one's he told Nejire to sit at" and they see it...'the big 3?' was written on it...soon the lights turn on and someone they were surprised to see walks up it
it was...the girl Ochako Uraraka
Ochako: "hello are we doing tonight!" she said into the mic and the crowd cheered...
Nejire: "it's that Ochako girl!" she tried to tell them and they nodded
Ochako: " a special night for all...the world...has seen you all as old relic that has long been dated to go extinct...they think that they can tell you that your worthless, that you have no purpose in this world...that even courting you or even the thought of having children is a disease itself while in is quite the opposite...the heroes and the society is the disease...and we are its survivors....we are the last of our kind...we are the cured...we are....the rebellion!" and they cheered even more 
Ochako: "now i know....all of you have been expecting THE Johnny Silverhand....but you won't meet him right will see the genius off his tech...JOHNNY!!" and she looks forward and her eyes glowed and soon she went limp for a moment.....the crowd got worried for a moment...until Ochako looks back up again 
Ochako: "'s always weird to do this" and the crowd was shock seeing this girl change personalities in less of a second...and that's when some knew...this is Johnny Silverhand speaking to them 
Ochako(Izuku): "you all came here see Johnny have him here with you now....this girl...this loyal member of our cause allowed me to come to you through a different way...i know this is all hard to take can call it sick if you must...but i assure you...i am with you here tonight as we speak...i have a plan for you all!!" she shouted out loud and the crowd then cheers again 
the big three was shocked...his ability to switch bodies is true...
Nejire: "then he isn't here" 
Mirio: "no" 
Tamaki: "have we been tricked?!"
Ochako(Izuku): "but that's not the point of today....we have three special guest here with us tonight....BRING THEM TO ME!!" then the spotlight shines on the big three they tried to use their quirks but they saw Dabi and Toga putting a quirk suppressant collar on them soon the crowd then picks them up and they screamed and kicked and tried to get out of their hold but they couldn't 

Aizawa sees the being held up: "SHIT!" they need to head in now 
Nighteye: "stop" 
Aizawa: "what are you?!" 
Nighteye: "they're not going to hurt need to see this" holding himself back...he waits 
Snipe: "holy shit" seeing the girl change behavior so easily
PM: "so this is him correct?" 
Aizawa: "'s him" 

Ochako(Izuku) then went up to them: "you really did come did you....Nejire, Tamaki, Mirio.....what made you come?" asking them 
Nejire: "you said you would give us answers...we want it now!" yelling out to her/him don't really know what to call it
Mirio: "what have you done to her?!" 
Ochako(Izuku) flicks his forehead: "again with this question..don't you have anything original to ask me? like how am i doing? what's the weather like?....when is your next debute?"deadpanning 

Tamaki: "why a girl?" he said 
Ochako(Izuku): " that's a good question...why did i....hmm...none the less it was unfortunate for her...but we're getting out of topic...i brought you all here to see what i meant in showing you the truth" 
Ochako(Izuku): "the world has reached its time...the time for a new era to come in...a time for the heroes to fall...a time for the opposed to have their voices hear our cries...our despair, our pain, our scars, the scars that we have obtained from the is time..for them to see who we really are...who the quirkless are...those who have weak quirks...they are treated the same...because of something we all don't have control of...that we are born with...that we're cursed with...and i will say this...this is the day that we will bring it down to the ground...we WILL HOLD OUR TRUTH TO THEM AND IT WILL BE THE DAY THAT THE HEROES HAVE REGRET TO OPPOSE US!!! AND I WILL BE THE ONE WHO WILL LIGHT IT ON FIRE!!! WE WILL BRING IT ALL DOWN TO MAKE A NEW AND BETTER WORLD!!!...AND IT WILL BE A DAY THAT QUIRKS ARE FOREVER FORGOTTEN IN HISTORY!!!!"screaming outloud 
Ochako(Izuku): "CHOOSE THE REBELS PATH!!!!!!" screaming with all they have the crowd has cheered on and on and on....yelling out Johnnys name yelling out the rebel's path...some even yelling out 'death to the heroes' or 'death to all quirks' to which would make Overhaul proud. 
the big 3 could do nothing but how this one person is able to unite not just one...but thousands and thousands of place their faith in their future to help get rid of the pain they have been in for so long 

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