a Trip to the Forest

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once the finals were over the students on the next day were told to get on the bus and they obliged knowing if they question it....they would be expelled...soon the four friends sat at the back of the bus while they talked with each other....but Ochako was sitting by herself....which of course was expected...after the recent incident with Izumi and her friends...she is starting to doubt the hero society...seeing that Shigarakis speech about the corruption spreading through the heroes only doing it for money and fame...she can see it...but it doesn't mean she will join...the only name that is going around now is Johnny...the man who took down the might tower by HIMSELF...and he is a threat...she doesn't even know what type of Cyberware he has nor does she know what they do make it dangerous. and with the Logistics of it. can't be canceled by Senseis quirk. or even be stopped...each day he grows in strength and his name is making a mark in history as the worlds first Classified Super villain of the century...and his presence alone is a threat to them.   
soon they made it to what seems to be the forest...and once they got off...they were meet with 
Ochako: "*GASP* IT'S THE WILD WILD PUSSYCATS!!" fangirling out now 
Mina giggles a little seeing Ochako excited about something for once. 
Aizawa: "be quiet...let them speak" 
Mandalay: "so...these are the children" looking at them carefully 
Mandalay: "what do you think Pixie?" looking over to the blond one 
Pixie-Bob: "mm hmm i think they have what it takes" smirking 
Aizawa: "so heres the deal here...since they are going to make it dramatic...so i'll be the kill joy and say you need to take these bags and go to the camp set up here" pointing at the map and some of them started to shiver...seeing how far it is from their current location 
Mina: "really?" 
aizawa: "yes...of course you can always back out and let the villains win...but hey not my choice" damn...that hurts
Pixie-Bob: "i think they get it...so GOOD LUCK!" and soon she touches the ground and it starts to shake soon all of them were knocked off the cliff screaming as they were separated from each other.... 
Mandalay: "how much" 
Pixie-Bob: "seeing how well they did and they were also at USJ i'd give them about 3 hours" 
Mandalay: "4" 
Tiger king: "make it 2 what about you Eraser?" 
Aizawa was still unimpressed in the finals and the rest of the results 
Aizawa: "i'd give it 8 hours" and he hands her the bid 
Mandalay: "really?" 
Pixie-Bob: "come on you don't think they'll take that long...do you?" and he just stands there and sips his coffee some more

Izuku: "alright then....adding thermite to the core here...it should sync in with the blades and then" soon he opens the mantis blades and it was a glowing a bright orange 
Izuku smiles: "hell yeah" feeling the heat coming off of it soon he calls in Shigaraki to which it's in the lab so he rushes in
ShigarakI: "so what is the new upgrade?" he asks him 
Izuku: "sit down over here" and he did soon Izuku takes out the plasma blaster....it was done
Shigaraki basically had stars in his eyes 
Izuku then haves him put on the exo straps and had it connect to his spine...and then he syncs it in with the optimizer in his head 
Izuku: "alright then....draw the weapon" soon he did and it made a very nice sound and it came up and it had a tri laser on it 
Shigaraki: "oh man i feel awesome right now" 
Izuku: "now it's in sync with your optimizer so come on over here" they stand directly from the far side of the room
Izuku then puts up a glass bottle 
Izuku: "now activated your scanner and will aim to that...once you do that fire it and you should know" he said soon the blaster laser points at the bottle and Shigaraki scans it soon it fires destroying the bottle but also the wall behind it
Shigaraki: "HELL YEAH!!" and he accidentaly fires it into the roof 
Izuku: "*sigh*" 
Shigaraki: "sorry" 
Izuku: "just...control your excitement...it's connected to your brain basically so any type  of jump in your neural network will basically fire prematurely" 
Shigaraki: "this is awesome man" soon he had Izuku take it off not wanting to risk decaying it by accident
Izuku: "no problem...when we get our next mission it should also fire faster...and aim faster...so this is more of the beta stage" 
ShigarakI: "well it's a good start" 
Izuku: "so how did Kurogiri take being tied up?" 
Shigaraki: "he's making those two clean up the place and the bar...also Jirou was spared a little since she was forced into it..but Dabi had to give a good amount of money to replace the alcohol they drinked....and destroyed" 
Izuku: "that's what happens when you mess with his bar...it's practically his child" 
Shigaraki: "and so is you're lab" 
Izuku: "can't argue with that" 
Toga: "oh Izu!" dear god 
Izuku: "yes Toga?" turning around 
Toga: "is it possible to suck the blood of my friends with a cyberware?" asking him 
Izuku: "no....why?" 
Toga: "cause then it'll be hard for me to copy people when i take their blood" 
Izuku: "how do you think i felt when i took that Corpo bitches blood" 
Toga: "*gasp* you stole blood too? we are so alike!" 
Shigaraki: "except he doesn't spoon with the goddamn training dummy" soon Jirou walks into the lab
Jirou: "oh man...that was tiring..." walking right up to the chair and takes a seat
Jirou: "i swear as morbid as it sounds.....killing is easier than cleaning the damn bar:
Toga: "killer is always easier than chores" 
Shigaraki: "only you would say that" 
Izuku: "glad to see your holding up well JIrou...and of course....your headache" 
Jirou: "it's gone away for the moment....Dabi however is forced to buy the drinks...and also he has to clean and sweep the hideout floors" 
Izuku: "i see" 
Shigaraki: "hmm...by the way has Sensei say anything yet?" 
AFO: "not until now Tomura" and they stood up except Izuku 
Jirou: "Sensei!" and she bows 
AFO: "Please none of the formalities...now i know all of you have had your own celebration....but now we need to discuss our next plan" and they nod
AFO: "so all of you head to the bar....wouldn't want to be rude to our potential members" 
Izuku: "oh boy" he soon went to get his armor on along with Jirou...of course it would be hilarious to see their reaction if they knew that Johnny was a kid....and also that 'kid' took down an entire building by himself.

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