Test of Courage: Shattered heart

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of course the teachers would call the students here at the forest at about...8 PM....both Class 1-A and Class 1-B  stood away from each other. 
Mandalay: "welcome to the next test...the Test of Courage." 
Pixie-Bob: "this will be a fun one for the B team over here." 
Aizawa: "what it is. is that Class 1-B will have to try and scare the other class....using quirks and of course they will be only in pairs." to which Class 1-B smiles and some..evilly smirking
Vlad King: "you all are going to get your name tags...that are located somewhere in the forest...if you succeed you pass...but by the time you don't...you fail" 
Aizawa: "and if all of my students get their nametags they win....so do your best....so go on" 
Mandalay: "Ready B team...enter the forest to prepare!" and they went in...
Izumi: "so....jumpscares" 
Katsumi: "basically" 
Sero: "man this should be easy" and Mineta was shivering
Kirishima: "we are to manly to let this scare us away" soon they got into pairs....to which Izumi ended up with....you guessed it...Ochako 
Aizawa: "listen you two...i don't know what's going on behind the scenes....but you need to remember that you are heroes in training....these type of things happen where you can't stand someone and you have to work for them...but that is no excuse to abandon them especially if it's during a hero attack...you need to put aside your difference and make sure you get your nametags...otherwise you both will be expelled...got it" he said and they nodded
Aizawa: "Uraraka...you got it" glaring at her 
Ochako: "yes sir" 
Izumi: "Yes Sensei" 
Aizawa: "good...now....go on" and they both left....soon the match starts and the pairs went in at different times...Bakugo was stuck with Shoka and Shoto was with Katsumi
they walk silently waiting to see what they have in store for them...so far just the cheap jumpscare here and there...but they couldn't help but feel uneasy from the forest itself...as if the trees are watching them and studying them carefully.    
Shoka: "well i don't see them yet" 
Bakugo: "don't get your panties frozen onto you...those extras wouldn't be able to scare me" 
Shoka: "uh-huh" then a small little wood comes up 
Shoka/Bakugo: "eh?" actually a little surprised from it. 

Izuku: "alright then...is everyone ready" they all nodded
Shigaraki: "great...let's be on then" soon they all walked into the portal and those who had the optimizer had linked their COMs together so they will hear what's going on
Izuku: "alright then....*sniff* ah...you know i never realized how much i missed the fresh air" he said 
Jirou: "well you've been coped up in a lab for so long....and all that smoke you breathed in your little debut at the tower...makes sense" 
Dabi: "too bad i'm going to burn this shit down....again" 
Izuku: "well don't burn down the entire forest...it's the heroes we're after" 
Dabi: "i'll give them something to remember" soon Dabi had prepared this his flames...soon he releases a huge burst of blue fire...burning the trees.. lighting up the sky

Izumi: "wait...what's that?" pointing to the sky....they see it was glowing blue" 
Ochako: "I don't know...it doesn't look good" and at the base camp
Aizawa: "shit...this isn't good" and they knew that this wasn't part of the test so they ran out 
Mandalay: "call in some more heroes...this is going to be a big threat if it's the League" 
Tiger King: "how the hell did they know about our location?! i thought only a few others know of this test" 
Tomoko: "unless there is a traitor in our ranks" 
Aizawa: "no time for that...we need to help the students right now!" 
seeing the smoke rising soon screaming is heard...they knew who is here....as the one word that echoes throughout the forest

Kendo at first tried to set up the jumpscare in hopes it would work...her and Setsuna have been at it...and so far it hasn't been any good...
Kendo: "man...this is hard" 
Setsuna: "i know...oh maybe i could have my head float in the trees....drop it down and it could scare them like that" 
Kendo: "that is a good start....but how will we know they will come this way?" 
Setsuna: "i wouldn't worry...it seems as a viable option" soon they heard the bushes and twigs crumbling they see the sky light up....
Kendo: "who's there?!" she said to them...great now they're the ones who is scared....
Setsuna: "Monoma is that you!" 
Kendo: "i swear if it's you i'm gonna-" but it was cut off when they see the figure come out  from the dark....the armor...the blades...the helmet...and most of all...the hate
Izuku: "seems i've found two lost girls....do you know that wandering the woods is dangerous...you could end up running into something dangerous" they froze in pure terror...Johnny...the man, no Demon that is feared by all...is standing in front of them...
Kendo: "Setsuna.....i-i-is it really him?!" she said hoping it's someone playing a prank on them 
Izuku: "it seems you doubt me." soon he swings his blade cutting the tree in half and it falls over 
Izuku: "does that confirm it for you?" they couldn't help it....they were heroes in trainig...but it was useless...they screamed....really loud..
Izuku: "oh for fucks sake" he fired two tranquilizer darts and  knocked them both out
let's see here and he scans the orange haired girl 
Name: 'Itsuka Kendo' 
Age: '16' 
Quirk: 'big hands' 
Status: 'unconscious'
Affiliation: 'U.A' heroes
Threat Level: 'very low' 
pathetic even with Cyberware it won't matter...she's too much of a hero to be convinced to join...the green haired girl will follow whatever her friend says...so he leaves them there....no intention to kill them...for now...he continues on 
Izuku: "Jack...status" 
Jirou: "found another one...blond one...recognized him" 
Izuku: "jackass?" 
Jirou: "pretty much...bad at least he respects the crippled" 
Izuku: "surprising...so you going to kill him" 
Jirou: "more like..take a limb" and then he hears screaming..welp there's that
soon he walks more into the forest...now he sees the other pair of students....a frog like girl and an floating pairs of clothes but he sees Toga fighting them...so he wants to give her a motivational push
soon he walks into their sights only with the gorilla arms out...and right away he sees the two students freeze upon his appearance
Tooru: "its...its....JOHNNY!!" 
Toga: "ooh are you going to help me johnny boy?" 
Izuku: "no...but i'm here to test something" soon he pulls out a berserk charge and soon he injects it into her she was holding her head 
Tsuyu: "what did you do?! kero" 
Izuku: "you needed training correct?...so have fun kids"  and he speeds away they look at Toga who was growling now....
Toga: "the energy...the lust for blood....HAAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!" her mantis blades came out and her eyes glowed red....great and then she jumps up and started to spin.. becoming a buzzsaw basically they barely dodge it and Toga runs at quick speed to get after them 

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