U.A Special moves training/new hideout

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the young heroes in training arrived at the Gym omega the place where they are in their hero costumes to prepare for their provisional license exams they also see the pro hero cementoss 
Aizawa: "here we are...you all are now here to take an exam..each an every one of you must come up with at least two special moves that you can use out in the field...now i know some of you are wondering why is having a special move significant...well it's doesn't have to be about being offensive..it could be defensive or supportive as well...take lidas Recipro blast for example to move at a highspeed clearing space quickly can classify itself as a special move...however you also have the option to even name special moves for villains...if it's seen repeatedly...this way it could also warn other pros of that related move and how to avoid and prevent it. and they understood 
Cementoss: "so we have other teachers here Midnight, ectoplasm. and Eraser head will be here to help you all with your special moves...so you will all break into groups." and soon they did..and obviously Izumi. Shoto, Shoka, Katsumi, and Katsuki are in the same group as always along with Mina while the others went to a different area  in the gym
Izumi: "okay then" 
Shoto: "right"  
Aizawa: "if you have the chance...i would suggest going to the support department to help upgrade your hero costumes to better suit you in combat...remember each day Johnny and his villains grow stronger each day...he was able to tank a full powered attack from All Might himself...you need to be prepared for the day we'll confront him again" they shivered from that thought...seeing the tv they saw how when Johnny jumps in front of the finishing blow....he stood there with no arm...but it was enough to tank all of that power. stabbing him in the abdomen...and worst is that he escaped again..and crippled Midnight..and shot Mina. he's an unstoppable force and he won't stop" 
Izumi: "okay then...let's get to it!" and the others also agreed as they went to go train

(Note: this is optional to play...when they find the new hideout)

Izuku: "alright is everything ready?" asking everyone 
Dabi: "we're set to go" 
Izuku: "alright then....everyone knows the drill keep a watch out in your designated post...remember this is the behemoth..a very large vehicle with a cloaking device...but remember if anything goes wrong be sure to say it in COMs alright" and everyone nods again
Shigaraki: "let's move out then" soon Dabi get's into the drivers seat while Izuku sits in the third seat behind the passenger and drivers and Shigaraki is in the passenger seat  while everyone else is in the tanker keeping watch soon they started to drive off now
Izuku: "alright we are set to go" Dabi drives it out of the garage 
Shigaraki flips some switches: "turning the cloak on...now" and he flips the switch soon the truck turns invisible only thing that could give it away is the tire tracks it leaves behind they drive away from the abandoned complex....and make their way onto the secluded road...which will keep them hidden for a while 
Dabi: "everything seems clear" 
Izuku: "good...remember if any vehicle approaches make sure to drive onto the side of the road" 
Shigaraki: "so far nothing on the radar...next car won't be coming for ten miles" 
Izuku: "great...it should be a smooth drive then" and they went on for a while...the night sky lit up by the moonlight....it would be beautiful if they weren't being hunted down by the heroes...
Shigaraki: "of course there's a full moon...can't be a silent place without one" checking the radar again
Dabi: "good one on finding this road" 
Izuku: "thank Jirou...her parents used to be on tour and they took this road once..so she suggest this one" 
Shigaraki: "like i said...a keeper...fuck...this boring" 
Dabi: "be glad you're not the one driving" 
Izuku: "calm down ladies we barely left the building not to long ago" soon he goes on COMs 
Izuku: "how's everything in the back?" 
Jirou: "we're doing good" 
Twice: "it's fun/it's boring!" 
Toga: "just nothing but darkness" 
Ochako: "nothing here" 
Kurogiri: "give me the signal if plan B is needed" 
Izuku: "got it...we're preem" 
Dabi: "nice"
ShigarakI: "so what's this surprise you have for me Izuku?" 
Izuku: "you;ll see it soon" 
they kept traveling....once in a while a car would approach them....of course they get of to the side of the road thanks to the radar so they remain undetected continuing on with the plan they managed to reach Tokyo
Dabi: "alright so we're here...how are we going to fit this thing and get it through" 
Izuku: "that's were the surprise comes in...let me drive" and they switch off....soon Izuku takes a detour away from the city...and then drives towards a small rural area 
Shigaraki: "where are we going ?" soon Izuku presses a button...then suddenly a small opening in one of the abandoned buildings opened and a large tunnel is seen...big enough to fit the Behemoth in
Izuku: "like i said...the Complex used to serve as a basis for all illegal trading and when the old train system used to run....so this is the perfect spot to get through Tokyo without having to go through the city itself" 
Dabi: "you have way too much time on your hands" and Izuku drives in still cloaked...and they enter it...the tunnel only being lit by the lights coming from the vehicle...they slowly drive and make it across some pathways that divide....no matter what Izuku always has a solution for it..
Dabi: "well look at that" they came across...the abandoned apartment building...it was directly connected to the substation tunnel...soon there was a large opening for them to enter...and Izuku parks it" 
Izuku: "hold on" and he turns on the ping functionality and soon the whole truck connects to the nearby electronics and soon everything nearby was revealed...
Izuku: "no one...we're homefree.." and he picks up the mic
Izuku: "ladies and gentlemen we have reached our destination...welcome to the kashyk apartment complex...we hope you enjoyed your travels with us and thank you for riding on the Behemoth busing station" 
Dabi: "really" 
ShigarakI: "let him have his moment". and he puts the mic down 
Izuku: "let's look for a place to set up then" the trio got out of the bus and soon they found the entrance to the building...Izuku like a gentlemen yanks the door of it's hinges and they enter...the place filled with dust and debris from the attack...they are two blocks away from the wreckage of Might Tower.
Dabi: "place is cold man...nothing...they all left it as it is" 
Shigaraki: "pretty insane...you sure no one is going to come back here?" 
Izuku: "when they hear that Might Tower is left i shambles...the debris that is sitting on top of this building...could possibly collapse here...would you want to risk that for a couple of mementos?" 
ShigarakI: "sadly no" 
Dabi: "not for us" 
Izuku: "this place was actually filled with nothing but quirkless...they thought that living right next to the tower would keep them safe....but in truth it led to their demise....of course they got out safely...but again...segregation is in effect...like  other countries that don't have that quirkless segregation"
Dabi: "of course they do" 
Shigaraki: "it seems to get worse" going deeper into the building soon they found an area...that was on the tenth floor overlooking all of the city...sure it wasn't endeavor tower...but it will serve as a lookout...seeing everything in their sights...they made camp there 
Shigaraki: "guess we found out living quarters then" 
Izuku: "for now...but i suggest we only use this to only keep watch off our surroundings
Dabi: "the basement rooms can serve as our quarters" 
Izuku: "right on...so let's get unpacking then" soon they head back down to the behemoth...walking down the stairs...they are afraid of restoring the power right now...seeing it could attract a lot of attention...that is until Izuku decided to power certain areas by reconnecting wires to have it power off other buildings...soon they got the living quarters built Jirou and the others are unpacking a lot of things...and for the lab...Izuku kept it only in the Behemoth for now..since this location isn't a permanent one...
Izuku: "Jirou" gesturing to come over 
Jirou: "what's up?" 
Izuku: "come here" soon they enter the lab
Jirou: "what's going on?" soon he brings out a recording...to show her..it was the cameras to U.A 
Izuku: "guess luck is on our side...the heroes believe there is a traitor in there ranks...even though we haven't even deployed one yet" 
Jirou: "wow" 
Izuku: "this is an opportunity for us...to have another potential member...possibly the one who will be wrongly accused" 
Jirou: "they really are digging their own graves with this" 
Izuku: "indeed...so i took the initiative...to set up a plan for you and Ochako to do" 
Jirou: "why the both of us?" 
Izuku: "you both are from U.A even though your time there wasn't long enough...Ochako was there to know the layout now...so in otherwords...i need you to plant a decoy...to frame someone who could possibly be a member...but it's not time for it now...i still need to think it over still..but when it comes i will let you  know" 
Jirou: "alright then" 
Izuku: "please let Ochako know as well and have come here as well she needs another cyberware installed" 
Jirou: "alright then...oh wait..is there another one for me as well?" asking 
Izuku: "not at the moment...but i have something in store for you..so don't worry about it" and he smiles 
Jirou: "alright then" and she leaves

the special moves training was a lot more difficult than Izumi realizes...she doesn't even have an idea of how to make one up on the spot...sure she's has two quirks and all but it makes it difficult to combine them into one powerful move. so by using OFA with her quirk she has created
Izumi: "GRAVITY BIND!" and soon all objects surrounding her was lifted and pushed away from her
Katsumi also had a more destructive version of her brothers howitzer which pretty much acted like a repulse blast.
Aizawa: "hmm...impressive" seeing how hard Izumi is working
Bakugo also managed to melt a rock which is impressive itself 
Shoka: "BLIZZARD!" soon she had made a small heavy storm around herself (yes it's a skyrim reference) and although it was powerful...she used a lot of energy for it..so she could only use it once from time to time
Aizawa: "hmm" writing down again 
Izumi: "HRAH!" trying to train a little to to find her next special move 
soon they were done with their training that is until he receives a call from Yagi 
Aizawa: "what is it" 
Yagi: "i found something...but i want you here in case there is anything i missed" 
Aizawa: "alright then" soon he calls another number 
PM: "yellow" 
Aizawa: "get down here...Yagi found something and i need you to cover for me" 
PM: "WHOO!" screaming into the phone he closes it...soon he leaves 
Izumi: "um...where's Mr Aizawa going?" 
Shoka: "don't know" 
Aizawa: "have important business Present Mic will cover for me...i will know if you had any progress so don't slack off" leaving the building now...he heads for the offices....soon he sees Yagi there in the room waiting..along with Inko and Nezu
Aizawa: "so what is it?" he then took out a USB drive from his pocket and puts it on the table 
Yagi: "i found this in the Kamino ward wreckage....there might be something important on it" 
Aizawa: "a little damaged..but it could hold something important on it" 
Nezu: "indeed...so let me get this here" taking the drive....soon he pulls out a computer and projector screen...he then inserts it and then checks the files 
Nezu: "hmm...a lot of the data here is corrupted or deleted from some unknown source...however there is one file that is completely fine" 
Aizawa: "open it then" 
Inko: "hope this will shed some light" 
Nezu: "okay then...here we go.....play" soon it plays 

received call from [unknown name]
time: [data corrupted] 
Hisashi: "hey dad....it's me again....i know it's been a while since i lasted called you...but i didn't want you to worry about me....you never returned my calls or messages so i decided to be old school and send you a recording...hehe...anyway...Inko is doing fine 
Inko in the background waves at the camera
Hisashi: "yeah...you know she's due in a couple of weeks....we still don't know what to name him or her...hehe but i wanted to ask you if you could come to see your future grandchild when they come to this world, anyways i'm going to go on a trip to america soon...business as usual...apparently they found something going on in the heroes corporation down in one of their facilities, but i'm sure it's nothing...anyways...i hope you can come visit someday i know you and your lifesupport is crazy...*sigh*....i miss you dad, i know since mom passed away you really haven't been yourself...but..please do this for my kid alright?....welp...don't want to be all doom and gloom i'll call you again when i get back from my trip alright?...love you dad....see ya" 
....message end...replay?....

the room stays frozen from what they just witnessed 
Yagi: "hisashi" 
Inko: "i remember this...he said his father was crippled...from an accident that happened to him a long time ago" 
Nezu: "oh my" 
aizawa: "oh shit" 
Yagi: "no....no this can't be right? it just can't!!" slamming the table now 
Aizawa: "have you ever met his father?" 
Inko: "No...he only once and that was at our wedding...he looked very young at the time...i thought he had an age quirk but Hisashi said he always looked like that.
Yagi: "i'm going to ask him myself" walking away now
Inko: "i'm going to" 
Yagi: "no...Inko if what the video says is true then" 
Inko: "then i have every right to know...you can't leave me out of this Toshi!" 
Nezu: "i guess all four of us will go" 
Aizawa: "*sigh* i'll drive" if what the video implys....then it really is a fucked up world. 

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