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"What will your parents say about all of this?" Will wondered aloud, glancing to the side at Catherine. It was a fair question to ask but she didn't exactly have an answer for it. What would they say? Would they be upset? She hadn't the slightest clue.

Letting out a sigh, Catherine gave a lazy shrug. "I don't know. Honestly, Will, I don't even know where to start." She admitted, sounding completely exhausted.

It had been a long, long day.

Will nodded, keeping his gaze forward. "Do you think they knew about Theodore's proposal?" He asked softly, sounding hesitant to ask her.

Catherine kept her eyes ahead of her, gaze slightly falling at the thought. Questioned buzzed in her mushy mind but she didn't bother to let them consume her conscious thought. "I don't know."

The two friends remained silent for the rest of their walk. The sounds that filled the comfortable void were the breeze shaking the trees and the crunch of the dirt under their shoes. She always found herself to fill her trust in people if she could have comfortable silence with them. Will had always been one of those people.

As they approached the Bailey's house, Catherine held her breath, unsure of what news of every event would bring to her parents. Even as they walked inside the large, creamy colored house, her nerves didn't falter.

Behind them, the door was closed by a servant. Catherine looked around the creamy foyer, looking for her parents. The house was far too quiet after such a day she endured, it almost made her uncomfortable. She turned her head as footsteps approached, seeing her most trusted, and favorite servant approach. A small smile grew on her face as well as relief. "Meredith." She breathed out, opening her mouth to speak once more but was silenced by the servant.

"They are in the drawing room, Miss Bailey." Meredith smiled, walking up to the two. Meredith was one of the kindest women Catherine ever met. She was older but was still beautiful: light blue eyes and soft auburn hair. The servant looked beside Catherine, at Will. "Mr. Turner, so wonderful to see you again." She smiled, earning a small hello from him. The older woman studied the two young adults, taking their appearances in. "My god, you two are a mess." She blurted out.

"Yes, I know." Catherine whined, snapping around to walk into the drawing room. Will and Meredith followed behind, letting the young woman take the lead. As she walked in, she found her father sitting in his favorite chair, reading yet another book. The man looked up from his book, a smile instantly growing on his face. "Hi, papa." Catherine smiled softly to him, walking over to his chair.

George Bailey stood from his reading chair, placing his book down. "My darling girl!" He announced, meeting Catherine half-way. He pulled her into a big hug, patting her back. He was always to happy to see her every day. Ever since she was born, and every day since, he always greeted her with such excitement and enthusiasm that one would have after not seeing one another in a long time.

"My apologies for disturbing your reading, papa." She said softly, letting go to look at her father. George Bailey was an older man, much older then Catherine's mother or even her uncle. Youth still glowed in his eyes and spirit. There were hard days he faced but most of the day, George Bailey's looks were found to be quite deceiving.

Still smiling, he patted her shoulders reassuringly. "No need to apologies, my love. You never disturb me." He turned his attention to Will, preparing his arms to offer him a hug. "Will, my boy, wonderful to see you--" He stopped his talking, taking his appearance. "My boy, what happened to you?" Looking to Catherine, he furrowed his brows deeper. "And you? Why do both of you look like a mess?"

Catherine and Will looked at each other, hesitatingly. "We fought a pirate, papa. The one who threatened Elizabeth." She replied confidently.

"You fought a pirate?" George Bailey slowly looking at her, astonishment danced in his green eyes. Excitement burst within him. "My darling daughter crossed blades with a pirate?" He walked up to Catherine, taking her hands in his. "Oh! Oh I must hear all about it! I cannot believe such news! You both have caused a great deal of pride to burst from me. I am so proud to know my daughter and a boy who I see as a son were the reason the pirate was put behind bars." He squeezed Catherine's hands, raising them to his lips to press kisses on the back of them.

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