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Will observed his blade, walking out of the drawing room into the foyer, the Bailey family following closely behind. "We need a plan." He started, seriously. "Mrs. Bailey, have everyone move somewhere safe in the house. Chances are pirates will just burst through the front door, we need all the servants in a place away from the front." Mary gave a nod, tightening the grip on her sword. She walked away, calling for Meredith, and the names of other servants. Will looked to George next. "Mr. Bailey, I know how your leg can be sometimes—"

George Bailey cut off Will. "Nonsense, boy! I can fight, regardless of my minor Achille's Heel!" He announced, raising his chin, making Catherine grin. She sure did get quite the stubborn traits from him.

A grin grew on Will's face, he nodded. "Very well but please, take your fight behind us. Catherine?" She snapped her head back to Will. "I need you at my side." He looked into her eyes, giving a nod.

"I have your back." She nodded.

As Will gave her another nod, the maniac-filled laughter grew louder outside of the house.

"Show time, people." Catherine hollered, gripping her navy blue dress in her hand, looking in between the two men. She looked to the front door as it stood still, angling her head and narrowing her gaze. "Shall we?" She rhetorically asked quietly.

"I'll take the lead." Will announced, walking up to the front door.

George and Catherine walked up behind him, both sharing a look. "Are you sure you are up to this, papa? I don't want to see you getting hurt." She spoke softly.

"Don't worry about me, my love. We will defend our home together." He reassured her.

Catherine nodded, still feeling worried for him, but she knew he was a strong man that could hold his own. Will reached the front door, opening it and instantly jutting his blade out. Catherine and her father mimicked the action with their blades, stepping out the front door. Their eyes instantly settled on three filthy pirates that stood with swords in their hands and expensive items stuffed around in their clothing. Insanity and violence swirled in their dark eyes.

"Get out of the way, nobody gets hurt." The darker man spoke, making his two other companions darkly snicker.

"How about this," Catherine announced, coming down the steps, "you leave my home and no one gets hurt." This made the men laugh harder.

"You had your chance, little girl. You chose wrong." The man replied, gripping his blade. He exchanged a look between his mates before letting out a battle cry and charging at Catherine, George, and Will.

Will pushed himself forward, taking the man on the left, while George took the man on the right. Catherine instantly came face to face with the man who spoke to her, lifting her blade to block his blow. The pirate held more aggression than Jack did. Fighting Jack felt more like a dance, this felt more like a battle. Anger and aggression came with each blow from the pirate. It almost startled Catherine, but she refused to let him do such a thing to her.

Catherine swiped her blade, scratching his cheek, making him hiss. The man stumbled, growling for allowing her to get him. She took the opportunity to kick him in the place where every man feared to feel pain in. The blow took the pirate by surprise, making him hunch over as his mouth shaped an O. Instantly, Catherine grabbed the back of his dark hair, slamming his face down against her knee, grunting as it made contact.

She pushed her hair out of her face as the pirate fell on the ground unconscious.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Will shouted, flabbergasted by her actions, dodging the swings his opponent threw.

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