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Jack threw himself across the cell to look out the porthole within the ship, watching carefully as Catherine ran nervous hands through her hair. None of them had the slightest idea what was going on, why the ship had made such a sharp turn.

Voices from above were muffled, soon joined by more.

"What's going on?" Catherine questioned, hunching over behind Jack to attempt to look.

"We're coming along side the Interceptor," He answered, an edge in his voice.

Right as Jack finished speaking, canon shots were fired striking back-and-forth between each of ship, mixing in with the voices of shouting pirates. It was hard to tell who was louder: the men or the canons.

"Look out!" Jack shouted, spinning around. He grabbed Catherine and threw them down on the ground of the ship. They crashed into the water that was beginning to pour into the ship. It was nerve-wracking to say the least. Catherine and Jack slowly sat up, looking at the giant hole the canon ball left in the side of the Pearl.

"Stop blowing holes in my ship!" Jack shouted, shaking a hand.

Catherine furrowed her brows at him, her lips slightly parted. They had nearly died and he is more upset about minor damage to a ship. A scoffed slipped from her, causing her to shake her head slowly.

It was definitely just a natural reaction.

She pushed herself to her feet as Jack picked up what looked like a leather flask. He opened it, tipping his head to drinks its containments but nothing came out. A tisk came from Catherine while she rolled her eyes.

Something out of the corner of her eye captured her eye.

Catherine fixed her attention on the door, her jaw giving a small drop.

The canon ball had blasted through the lock of the cell door.

"Jack look!" She exclaimed, lightening up.

The pirate fixed his attention, coming to his feet. He walked up to the door, slowly pushing it open. He turned his head to look at Catherine, raising his brows but not saying a word.

Catherine perked up, "Let's get the hell out of here." She breathed, pushing out past him.

They raced across the brig, splashing around in the salty ocean water that hugged their ankles. The closer the drew to the stairs that lead to the deck above, the louder the noise got. Even more so, a giant crash hit the ship, the suddenness causing the two the freeze for a second.

"What was that?" She panted, gripping her chest in an attempt to steady her frighten heart.

Jack gave a sigh, "I don't want to find out."

Rolling her eyes, Catherine ran up the stairs, being pulled back by Jack. "What?" She snapped, throwing a look over her shoulder.

"Don't rush out, slowly and casually. We don't want to attract attention to ourselves." Jack warned.

"How would we attract attention? There is literally a fight happening, I doubt we'd make much of a scene."

The pirate waved his hands, slipping past her, "Follow me." He walked up the stairs, peeking his head on the deck. Slowly, he continued to walk, Catherine instantly behind him looking around. The ship was a disaster. Broken wood, men running, and the mast of the Interceptor laid across the Black Pearl's deck.

If it hadn't been for Jack pulling Catherine to walk, she would have stood there in complete awestruck at such a sight.

"Come on." He spoke quickly over his shoulder, jumping on to the ship's railing.

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